Healthy Simplified

Why Are We Feeling Older, Younger?

Speaker 1:

Well, welcome back to the podcast everyone. This is Mark Bennett. I have a very special guest with me today to talk about a topic that it seems like it's affecting more and more people because it's starting at such a younger and younger age. Think about it as people started to age, it used to be the running joke that you know, you knew you were getting old, that when you started making sounds or creaking or things hurt when you're standing up, or you know you just you didn't have that go anymore. You know you're like maybe I need to take a break or things of that nature. But what's interesting is it's starting to happen at a younger and younger age and there's a lot of reasons why. And you know, happen at a younger and younger age and there's a lot of reasons why.

Speaker 1:

And you know, part of what we do here at ID Life is we identify those issues, those problems. We talk about the things that a lot of times people just feel like, hey, this is just a natural progression of life. You know, as our bodies begin to age, we can't do the things that we used to do. Unfortunately, people are starting to experience that now in their 20s and 30s and some even younger, but my special guest this week is none other than ID Live's president, ms Laura Brandt. Laura, great having you here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, happy to be here, and this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I personally went through this exact struggle in my 20s and it's not fun, you know. I think you know we were talking about. You know this podcast and how you know we could share on what I think is such a relevant conversation. Right, and we know that it's relevant because more and more people are beginning to look for longevity solutions. Right, they're looking for solutions that help them feel younger longer, and that's growing. The market for that is growing at a rapid pace.

Speaker 2:

But you know, here's the reality. The problem is simple, right, more young adults and that's 25 to 35, are experiencing fatigue and brain fog and poor sleep and sluggish metabolism right, things that used to be considered an older adult's problem. And then, even considering that 35 to 55-year-olds are also noticing accelerated aging, they're noticing chronic inflammation and energy crashes and really so much more than that. And what I would say is, at a younger age, right, things that you didn't expect to start experiencing until you were in your 60s. And then, even then, right, those you know of us that are in their 60s we don't want to feel old, right?

Speaker 2:

I know that when I'm 60,. I want to feel young, I want to be vibrant, I want to still be working, I want to still be contributing. I do not want to feel like I need to be retiring soon. I want to feel like I'm going to continue to contribute and be relevant for a lot longer than that. And so you know that's a problem that we're facing and understanding. I think today what I really want to focus in on is understanding why. Why is this happening? And then, of course, leaning in on what we can do about it, because this topic, again to me, is so near and dear. I found a way through it and on the other side of it, but now we have tools and resources available to us that we didn't even have when I was in my 20s now going to be 40 years old this year, so I'm super excited to dive into this, mark. Really I am.

Speaker 1:

You know, you said two things that I want to highlight. One is you mentioned the word longevity, because most people, when they hear the longevity thing, especially if they're in their 20s and 30s, they're thinking, ok, well, this discussion isn't for me, I don't have to think about longevity yet. But the reality is, most of the people that are looking for longevity solutions are the ones that are in their 20s and 30s. I mean, it's the ones that don't want to age gracefully. They want to age at their own pace, the way they want to age, because they don't want to have the same results. And the good news is we get to talk to people every single day that are seeing those things and they're seeing results. And that's kind of what we want to talk about share those best practices, the things that people are identifying and doing. But you said something else that I want to highlight as well, which is, I think you said, the big 4-0 this year. That's right. The big 4-0 this year, that's right. The big 4-0 this year you know not to highlight that on a podcast to last forever, but the big, I mean think about that. You and I met. You were in your twenties. We've lived through the twenties, we've lived through the thirties. Now we're going to live into the forties. It's just. It's just that was now, all of a sudden, I do feel old and I need to discuss more about longevity.

Speaker 1:

But you know, there is a few stats that I love to give people so that they understand, kind of, the seriousness of the situation. You know, if you look at, roughly 13 and a half percent of adults 18 to 44, report feeling exhausted on almost every single day. Exhausted on almost every single day. Think about that. That's almost 15% of the US population starting at age 18 to 44 are feeling exhausted every day. Imagine the people that are over 44. You know I'm going to be 54 this year. Trust me, I feel it, I know it, you know you got.

Speaker 1:

41% of young adults have at least one sleep disorder. We're talking young adults. We're talking people in their 20s and 30s already have a sleep disorder. Some of them are already on CPAP machines and other things related to this exhaustion. 30 percent of adolescents are children Already report frequent fatigue, showing that, you know, this issue starts very, very early and more middle-aged adults than ever are reporting burnout symptoms, and we're not just talking about at work, we're talking about in life. You know most of that. You know that used to be senior type stuff. You know I'm at burnout. You know it's time for me to retire. We have people in their thirties already thinking about you know how am I going to retire? I just can't do this the rest of my life, and a lot of that is just simple just nutritional fatigue and other things.

Speaker 2:

But let's kind of jump into this topic because you know it's this is. This is fascinating to me only because we get an opportunity here to share not only the issue and the problem that so many people are in my twenties right, and I'm so thankful that I had resources available to me that got me through it and on the other side of it. But the reality is, is we used to think of exhaustion as a sign of aging, right, Something that old people deal with, but today it's affecting everyone. And that was me, you know, in my mid and even late twenties. I was struggling. I would go to work, I would come home, I would pass out, wake up to eat a little something, go back to sleep and go back to work and do it again the next day.

Speaker 2:

And the reality is, you know, it's not fun to live like that.

Speaker 2:

It's not fun to be in your 20s and to feel like you're in your 40s.

Speaker 2:

It's not fun to be a new mom and to be absolutely, completely exhausted, to have to go to work every day, to come home and give your family what's left of you, not what's best of you, and that's a reality that we're facing more and more and more with women and, of course, men too, but me, speaking for myself, cracking this code has been incredibly important for me, for my life, for my family, for the business that we run, and I'm super, super passionate about this topic.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that is what's happening, and why are more people breaking down sooner? I think this is so important, mark, because you know, when I hear you break this down and I hear you really identify what the key culprits are, once you start to understand it, then we can start to peel back the layers and talk about how you can solve for this and, I think, most importantly, not solve for it if you're already there, but how you can prevent it. Right, because maybe you're not there yet, but maybe you're headed that direction. Because maybe you're not there yet, but maybe you're headed that direction, and I think that's what more and more people are looking for, which is how can I ensure that I feel great for a lot longer, maybe than my parents, maybe than my grandparents? And so I want to just dig right in.

Speaker 1:

You know, what is it that's causing our bodies to break down faster and faster and faster? Well, you know, in all the research that we've done, in discussions we've had, in the development of solutions and other things, you know, basically we've broken it down into seven what we call culprits, Seven things that are basically contributing to this on a regular basis. First and foremost, chronic stress and overstimulation. I mean, we live in a society that if you ask somebody if they're stressed, most likely you're going to get laughed at. I mean literally. Think about it and you think it's just an adult situation. Imagine if you're my age. Okay, my age is the age that you know.

Speaker 1:

Personal computers were something that happened for us when we were in high school. We didn't have them. Before that we did not have cell phones. Thank God we didn't have cell phones. I probably would not have lived in my teenage years with cell phones, my parents knowing where I was. That would have been a bad thing.

Speaker 1:

Imagine our children today and what stresses they are going with they're having to deal with in social media and image issues and all of the other things in the overstimulation of information that they are getting, at such a young age that is, that is literally causing an exact, an exacerbated amount of stress and anxiety, which is why that Gen X and Gen Z population is dealing with so much of those stress and anxiety issues.

Speaker 1:

In the next generation it's even worse than that. So chronic stress and overstimulation, first and foremost, our biggest culprit. Second thing, inflammation and poor diet. I mean we are living in a state of chronic inflammation in our diets, mainly because our diets consist of poorly processed foods, sugar spikes, you know, overconsumption of alcohol and other related things. What happens is our bodies just weren't designed to take on all of this kind of stuff. I mean, if you think about it, we have over 30,000 chemicals that have been approved to be in our food supply in the United States that have never been tested as being safe for human consumption, have never been tested as being safe for human consumption. Think about that.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a big one, mark, because we have a lot of data at our disposal at Idealife, because we do offer an online assessment and for those of you that don't know that assessment, people are asked questions about their diet and lifestyle and it is absolutely fascinating to me how many people report that they're not consuming more than one to two servings of sugar a day. And the reality is, I mean, you know, you have your morning coffee with a little bit of sugar, you have your yogurt with a little bit of sugar. You have, you know. I mean, it's like it's nearly impossible to survive a day without more than five, seven, ten servings of sugar a day because they're putting it in everything. I mean you look at the back of the label and you see how much sugar is in processed foods. It's mind-boggling.

Speaker 2:

And so the reality is a lot of people I don't eat a lot of sugar and it's like, really, when's the last time you tracked how much sugar you're actually consuming in a day? I think you would be shocked. Right? You use ketchup? Well, there's a few servings right there. So inflammation, poor diet, but I mean this sugar spike thing is a real problem for our youth, for our young adults and even for our aging population. Sugar is a massive problem and it is affecting our blood sugar levels in a drastic way.

Speaker 1:

You know. It's interesting that you say that because you know we do tours all the time and or at least I feel like I do tours all the time and this is one of the topics I always talk about. Because I talk about it. You know, at ID Life we have the healthiest people on the planet because, to your point, 80 plus percent of people say they only have one to two servings of sugar per day. That's what they say. Now, what's interesting about that is the American Heart Association says women and children should have no more than six servings per day and men no more than nine. The average, the average American child today, is consuming 31 servings of sugar per day. Okay, think of that. That is five times the recommended amount by the American Heart Association. And oh, by the way, adults, it's 33. So where do you think the kids are learning their sugar habits? It's literally starting in baby formula and basically just goes up from there. That is causing all kinds of issues because, to your point, we are putting sugar in absolutely everything. And it's causing all kinds of issues because, to your point, we are putting sugar in absolutely everything and it's causing all kinds of inflammatory responses. But we also know that, genetically, there's a large percentage of the population that are predisposed to genetic inflammation. In other words, their body is basically built foundationally to be inflamed if it's not treated the way that it was intended to be treated. So it just exacerbates the issue.

Speaker 1:

You know, in the thing that happens and what results in the overconsumption of sugar, is the third culprit, which is the declining sleep quality of America. See, because when you sleep or you don't sleep, there's two hormones that are basically active as a result of what happens with your sleep. It's called leptin and ghrelin. You know, ghrelin says, hey, I'm hungry. Think of it as a Tyrannosaurus rex. You know, it's a T-Rex, just ready to. You know, grab anything you can. Leptin is, you know, that cute little teddy bear that says, hey, we've had enough to eat, we're full.

Speaker 1:

The problem when we don't get good, high quality sleep is leptin goes to sleep during the day and ghrelin is cut loose, which means we're just ravenous all day long and we literally can't, you know, satiate that appetite, not to mention all the other issues that come along with it. So you know, one of the things we talk about all the time of, hey, if you're in a situation where you want to lose weight, sleep is the first thing that you need to concentrate on Sleep and hydration. Those are the two things, but the one that really touches on me, as far as the fourth culprit, that really is the one that people don't understand where ID Live has a solution for them that really can give them an opportunity to start experiencing something very, very quickly, and that's mitochondrial dysfunction. See, because a lot of people don't even understand what mitochondria is.

Speaker 1:

Mitochondria is the power source of your cells. It literally helps your heartbeat, your lungs breathe, your eyes blink, your muscles move. I mean, every bit of energy in your body is created by this mitochondria. That energy is called energy, is called ATP or adenosine triphosphate, you know, but that is NAD dependent. Okay, that that is. There's a compound in your body called NAD. It's literally what we call the molecule of life, and the day you're born it starts to decline at about 1% per year and by the time you're 40, you have half of what you did when you were born and all of a sudden, the mitochondria doesn't work the way that it used to and, as a result, guess what we have? Fatigue. Laura, let's talk a little bit more about this, because I mean obviously, you know, yeah, well, I mean, I like to explain this one.

Speaker 2:

As you know, the currency your body runs on, and really, what I'm thinking about and sharing more and more with spending your entire life, right, and all you're doing is thinking about, like man, when I get to retire? Right, and you're thinking about it, but you're not doing anything about it. You're not planning financially, you're not saving money, you don't have any investments, right, and then all of a sudden, you get to retirement age and your currency right, the currency that you require to be able to retire is on zero. Right, you got nothing, so you don't ever get to retire. That's exactly what's happening in our bodies, right, this currency that we run on, what we're doing is just depleting it and we're not necessarily addressing what we can do to make sure that we're making deposits, not just withdrawals, right, and so what happens is we just withdraw, withdraw, withdraw, withdraw. And then, all of a sudden, we get to this point in life where it really catches up to us and for most people, right, that starts to really be noticeable in their 40s, 50s, 60s. But, like we're talking about here, it's happening earlier and earlier and earlier and the reality is finding a solution today right, regardless of how old you are 20 years old, 25 years old, 30 years old to make deposits into your energy bank to ensure that you're able to produce energy at the cellular level. We're longer right than the average person is how we ensure that we don't wear and tear our bodies so that, when we are ready to retire right, not only do we have the money that we need, but, most importantly, we have the mitochondrial function that we need to actually be able to enjoy life at that age.

Speaker 2:

Because I don't know about you, but I don't want to be at that age and unable to walk, run, jog, keep up with my grandkids. And unable to walk, run, jog, keep up with my grandkids, go on trips around the world. Right, I want to have as much energy as I want to do all the things that I love, and that's what this is all about. Right, it's about depositing into the body's currency system and that is mitochondrial right. Function is it needs energy to run. Period. End of story. What are you doing to ensure your cells?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, it's a cascading impact to life, because once mitochondrial dysfunction begins, you start having a buildup of something called senescent cells. Now, the also known as for senescent cells is what we refer to as zombie cells. Zombie cells are literally that dead or dying you know cell that is just taking up space, providing you no benefit whatsoever and infecting the healthy cells around it. So, as mitochondrial dysfunction starts, atp production goes down, senescent cells start to accumulate. That is literally the definition of biological aging. So, you know, I mean, while Father Time is going to remain undefeated. I mean, in other words, we all are going to chronologically age. There's nothing we can do about it. You know, tomorrow I'm going to be a day older than I was today, biologically or at a cellular level. There is something you can do about it. You can biologically roll the clock back in how you're aging.

Speaker 1:

Right now, most people are biologically older than their actual chronological age as a result of some of these things that we're talking about. I mean, they just simply are. These culprits are aging people at a faster pace. That's the whole purpose of what we're talking about. One of the biggest kickers here is that mitochondrial dysfunction and what it causes. The fifth culprit, though, and one that a lot of people are dealing with, I mean.

Speaker 1:

I know that you've had multiple conversations with countless women on this particular issue especially, and that's hormone imbalances. I mean we're talking about chronic cortisol issues. I mean the way that it affects the face and the adrenal glands no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

The fact that our mitochondria is, you know, not being provided with the energy it needs starts to affect everything. Right, and this is a big one. But for women, you know, facing chronic cortisol and adrenal fatigue, the reality is, a lot of them are drinking energy drinks that are literally harming them. They're masking the fatigue that they're facing, you know, giving them a false sense of energy it's not real energy and then, as a result of that, they're fighting severe inflammation due to the chronic cortisol and adrenal fatigue. That then it just. It's like this vicious cycle, right? You look at women who solve for this problem, and here's what I'll tell you, you will see. You will see a woman who has a puffy face, who has puffy features, go from looking puffy, tired and exhausted to, within, you know, just a few short months, two, three, four months. All of a sudden their face slims down. All of a sudden they look less puffy. Right, and this is something that is massively important for losing weight, Because I'll tell you right now, right, if your body doesn't have the energy it needs to function, and then add on to that a hormone imbalance, you know you're talking about chronic weight gain, month after month, year after year. That is a vicious cycle that you just can't escape.

Speaker 2:

And for men, you know more and more. We're hearing this. It's so great that we have, you know, all this hormone therapy today that we didn't used to have, but the reality is you want to prolong your need right for hormone replacement therapy for as long as possible. So starting testosterone therapy at 35, when you really shouldn't need to start it until you're in your maybe 50s or 60s it's a problem, right. What are men doing to slow that down? What are men doing to ensure that they're not facing low testosterone issues in their 30s, that it's not happening until much later in life? And that is something that is 100% controllable. You have the ability to have an impact on it now to make sure that you're not one of those people that's facing that later.

Speaker 1:

You know you spoke about the women and the men that are, you know, basically addicts to energy drinks and things like that. I call them the wired and tired society. It's literally what they're doing is they are masking fatigue. Now, there's a big difference between taking fatigue and addressing it at the cellular level, which is what we're talking about how to cellularly address fatigue issues and masking fatigue, because when you mask fatigue with stimulants, the fatigue is still there, hence the crash that comes along afterwards. You know it's still there. You're stimulating your way through the day. Eventually, hey that that bill comes due, you will have to pay for it, and there is a crash that comes along with it. So you know, yeah, don't, don't be a member of that. You know, wired and tired society, you know, literally try to understand cellular energy and how to take care of it.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the other ones, one of the other culprits, and it's a big one. You know we in fact have several podcast episodes on this podcast about this particular issue, but man does it impact a lot of people, and that's MTHFR. You know that MTHFR gene mutation literally does prevent people's ability to detoxify. I mean, it affects the methylation pathway in such a negative way. And when you think about methylation, okay. So a lot of people are like, okay, well, here we go. Now we're going to talk about genetics and all these things. Methylation is simply you think of the methylation pathway as your longevity pathway. That's literally what it is. I mean, if you can figure out how to take your methylation pathway and optimize it, okay, and each one of us, just so you know, has different things that we need to do to optimize our methylation pathway.

Speaker 1:

People with MTHFR you know, like I am compound heterozygous. There's certain things that I need to do. The more that I address my methylation pathway and I eat, live, work, move in association with that to optimize that, the longer I'm actually going to be able to live in a healthy way. Okay, now does that mean that if I do all of these things, you know it's going to extend my lifespan? Well, yeah, it's gonna not only extend my lifespan, but it's not about extending lifespan, it's about extending the quality of the lifespan. You know, I don't want to be a 60-year-old carrying around an oxygen tank in a walker. I want to be still playing golf and doing all the things that I love. And you know when it starts with MTHFR and all the impact that it has on people. I mean Lori, I mean you know, I mean heck. You have it as much as I do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, this is something that you know. I figured out, you know goodness, now, almost six years ago, had no idea that it was, you know, the number one leading contributor to why I felt so poorly in my twenties. Now I overcame it and, looking back, I understand now why because I was doing all the things that people within TeachFR should do Right, and I found those things because of some really smart people in my life at that time and, obviously, having been exposed to what we do here at ID Life at a really young age, and I'm so thankful for that, because I can't imagine where I would be today had I not discovered the tools that are available and, most importantly, like the vitamins and nutrients that are available. It's a big one and it's so incredibly important that people that have NTHFR are beginning to understand and learn what they need to do lifestyle adjustments and then, most importantly, which supplements they need to supplement with and make sure that they're doing a good quality detox at least a few times a year, if not quarterly.

Speaker 2:

This is super important because my body's ability to process toxins found in our foods and even right fruits and vegetables these days have toxins in them. You know, if you're eating at a restaurant, you're eating GMO foods. If you're eating GMO foods, they have toxins in them, you know. If you're eating at a restaurant, you're eating GMO foods. If you're eating GMO foods, they have toxins in them, right? And my body's ability to detoxify those things is limited in comparison to others, and therefore I know that, as someone with MPGFR, that I need to be doing detoxes regularly, and what's really important is understanding what a good detox is. Right. It's not just some juice that you can drink. It's not just a fiber, you know supplement that clears your bowels. A full body detox that actually addresses all of the key organs involved in detoxifying, starting with your stomach, through your gut, all the way into your kidney and livers. It's so important that you're doing a whole body detox, and this is a big one for people, something that I'm always telling people if you're not doing a detox, you should be.

Speaker 1:

Well, and you know I would be remiss if I don't remind people that MTHFR has been linked to their mourn, cause of miscarriage in this country, or even conception right, the ability to conceive in this country, or even conception right.

Speaker 2:

The ability to conceive, that's a big one.

Speaker 1:

It is a massive, massive issue in that space and something that is easily rectified with a methylated vitamin. I mean, it just is. I mean, the reality is folic acid. If you have MTHFR, folic acid is not your friend. In fact, there's a lot of people out there that think they have a gluten issue or a gluten allergy, and the reality is it's the inability to uptake folic acid is not your friend. In fact, there's a lot of people out there that think they have a gluten issue or a gluten allergy, and the reality is it's the inability to uptake folic acid, which, by the way, has been fortified in all of our flour products in the United States since the 1950s. So I mean, you, literally you can't get away from it. It's everywhere. And for MTHFR people it's, you know, like poison in your body. You can't get rid of it. But there's a lot.

Speaker 1:

Again, we have a whole, whole podcast on MTHFR. If you want to learn more, jump in there. We try to make it so. It's super simple to understand. The seventh culprit that is interesting to me is the nutrient decline in our foods, and I'm not talking about, you know, processed foods and things of that nature. I'm talking about our fruits and vegetables, and you know the soil depletion that has come along as a result of different farming techniques, genetically modified organisms and things like that that we've done the the over farming of of crops and things of that nature it literally is, the value of food just isn't what it used to be. So again, the seven culprits, just as a way to kind of, you know, summarize this chronic stress and overstimulation, inflammation and poor diet, declining sleep quality, mitochondrial dysfunction one of the biggest ones hormonal imbalances, mthfr and then, of course, the nutrient decline in foods.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. The reality is, if you're not taking quality vitamins and minerals right, that you can find in supplements, you should be. It's just a fact. I mean, the science has proven at this point in time, regardless of how well you think you're eating, you're not getting the nutrients fully that you need from food. It's pretty much near impossible at this point, and the reality is that the way that we're feeling today in our 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, is not normal. That's the main thing I want for people to take away from this topic is that what you're feeling isn't normal and it is something you can overcome right. It is something that you can tackle head on. There are tools and resources, supplements and programs that can help you overcome this feeling older, younger, and I think that this is such a key topic that let's just keep digging in on this, because this is what people are facing and I think people need to know what they can do about it.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I mentioned briefly, you know, the nutrients and foods and I think it probably, you know, behooves us a little bit to talk about that because there's so many people out there that are trying to do the right thing. You know they're like okay, you know what I'm going to turn. Organic, Remember, organic does not mean not genetically modified. Okay, that's right, Make sure people understand that. Okay, Organic can still mean genetically modified. So little known fact. Didn't know that? Now, you know that. Don't mean to scare you. This isn't about scaring people, it's about educating people. But I mean literally, when you're talking about our fruits and vegetables today have 40 to 50 percent of the nutritional value that they had just 50 years ago. Think about that. We would have to consume twice as much fruits and vegetables than we did 50 years ago just to maintain, you know, that level of nutrition. Again, because we have an assessment and we ask these questions and we ask people how many fruits and vegetables they consume on a regular basis, the average answer is one to two servings per week. I mean, we in America we live on what we call a white, tan and brown diet, which means when we make our plates, everything is white, tan or brown. That's. That's what we consume. That's what we're eating on a regular basis. There's not a lot of color to it.

Speaker 1:

I mentioned the over-farming and how that's stripping the soil, and I talked about organic foods and things of that nature. But the other part about what you need to understand about these foods is we are using pesticides, and the genetic modifiers that are literally those chemicals are getting into our gut flora and our body doesn't know what to do with them because it's an unidentified combatant, if you will. We're talking about autoimmune responses. We're talking about, you know, gut issues that are just out of control. I mean, leaky gut seems like something that everyone is starting to get diagnosed with.

Speaker 1:

I mean, like him, love him, hate him, whatever it is. This obviously is not a political type situation, but you know you can go listen to RFK Jr talk about pesticides, poisons and pollutants that we're putting in our food supply and what he's trying to get out there. As far as information he's trying to share is along these kind of same lines. You know he's basically saying hey, America, wake up. We need to test these things to make sure that they're safe for human consumption, instead of the opposite of what has happened in America forever, which is hey, you consumer, you have to prove that it's unsafe for me to take it off the market, rather than me having to prove that it's safe to put it on the market. That does seem backwards, but that's the way that our food supply is working right now.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. I mean, the reality is that you know, even when people are trying to eat right eating you know you think you're doing everything right. I'll be honest, the vast majority of us don't think that, but those of us that do think that the reality is is many of those people are still feeling like they're running on empty. Because they are literally right, because you're using more energy every day than you're, you know, than you actually have the fuel for, and so every single day, you're starting off in a deficit. And I think this is so important because we you talked about energy drinks earlier, but this one's important.

Speaker 2:

When your body is tired, right, and then you mask it with an energy drink that isn't good for you, full of sugar, thus creating more of the problem that made you tired in the first place what you're really doing is using energy that you don't even have, because you're masking feeling tired.

Speaker 2:

You don't have the energy you should be resting because your body's telling you you need to rest, but you're not resting because you're tricking it into thinking it has more energy, even though it doesn't, and thus the cycle continues. So next day you wake up absolutely exhausted. Why? Because you're running on empty right from the beginning. In fact, you're running in a deficit and it gets worse and worse and worse, and so I think it's so incredibly important that we continue to talk about this, like fatigue, right, the science of fatigue, and why our bodies cannot keep up with the energy demand right, but it needs, and so this is where you know we talked about the seven reasons, but I think it's important that we really break down what's happening in the body, because people need to understand this better. Mark.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you know you mentioned something and here's what I want people and I'm going to break down fatigue for you I'm going to give you that information, but I want to give you an analogy of something that people can I hope you know resonate with and understand. Here's the test I want you to try. I want you to try a day without any form of stimulant-related energy. Okay, just try that for a day and see what happens. Okay, because here's what it's going to liken to Think of. The last time you were sick. Okay, the last time you had a bug, a flu, a virus, anything like that, what's the first thing you wanted to do? You wanted to curl up in a ball, get in bed and go to sleep. That's what you wanted to do, because your body is literally using all of its current cellular energy to try and fight off that disease. Well, go a day without any form of stimulant and watch what happens. Your body is going to do the same thing. It's going to want to curl up into a ball and go to sleep. Many of you would probably fall asleep at your desk. If you have to go to the office and you don't have an entire day, you can just do that with. That's kind of what we're doing on a daily basis. We're taking what the body would naturally do and we're masking it, to Laura's point, with a stimulant that's causing these types of reactions. And you can only do that for so long, which is why people live the week to basically, you know, get into the weekend, because the weekend is where our bodies are basically getting the opportunity to just, oh, you know, as a result, the time that we do have off for ourselves is not spent in quality, it's basically spent in recovery.

Speaker 1:

But let's talk about this fatigue a little bit, because you know it's, there is a process to it and it literally does start with, you know, the mitochondrial function and NAD that you have in your body. We talked about this as the body's reduction of NAD begins, okay, and again, that begins on the date of birth. You're starting to lose 1% per year. So you know, you do the math, you know your mitochondrial function is starting to be inhibited pretty much from the very beginning. But think about that as your battery life. You know I recently had to go get my the battery for my computer redone because it got down to 30%. If you've never done that before, it's basically you plug it in, it's fully charged in about 30 minutes, it's zero and it's basically falling apart, kind of like what some of us feel like on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

You know, we charge ourselves up with that coffee in the morning, about 10 am. It's like you know it's gone. You know that's kind of what happens when our NAD levels get really, really low. You know we have that first of the morning kind of burst and then we don't. Or hey, if you were a night owl or you didn't get a good night's sleep, you don't even get the first of the morning burst. You have that morning. How many times am I going to hit the snooze button and eventually have to get up?

Speaker 1:

But see, that then leads to the next thing, which is cortisol and adrenal fatigue. You know that high cortisol content in the body, that stress hormone, and you know the adrenals getting blown out because of all the stimulant that we put in into our body. And now, all of a sudden, you know we're literally destroying our natural energy cycles because by doing that and having those out of balance, all of our B vitamins are now basically obliterated and they're not available to us. Well, what happens when we get into this fatigue cycle and those types of things. Oh yeah, our blood sugar crashes and we get into insulin resistance.

Speaker 1:

Now this is going to cause energy dips, mood swings, slow metabolism yeah, that's right. You can literally start getting into a situation where you're eating the same thing you always have, in the amount that you always have, and you start getting what we refer to as age-related weight gain, because your metabolism is literally slowing down, your liver is not functioning the way that it should because you're in insulin resistance and your blood sugar is going up and going down and all kinds of things are going haywire. And then, god forbid, you have the next item in this whole agenda, which is you have an MTHFR mutation and you're in detox overload, in other words, you haven't detoxified your body and you are literally covered in toxins and pollutants. I mean, this is the cycle. And once you get here, once you get down to that end part, you are literally in a situation where your natural energy is so depleted you are literally living on stimulant alone. So let me tell you just real quick on this MTHFR thing Again, we have a podcast on this, but I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people go get a blood test and they're like oh, you know, the doctor says, hey, my B12 levels are fine. You know, you're telling me, my B levels, you know, are depleted as a result of all this. But the blood says you know, b12 is good. What you don't understand that is, if you have MTHFR folic acid that you're consuming on a regular basis, masks as B12 in the bloodstream. What that means is it's not actually B12. You actually are B12 deficient and all of the ill effects that come along with that, as well as chronic fatigue and all those things.

Speaker 1:

But you literally are in a situation where a blood test is saying everything's good. The reality is you are B12 deficient on top of not having the right B6s and B9s in your body. Those B vitamins is where a lot of the natural energy is coming from and, as a result, you are literally going to be in adrenal fatigue forever unless you get that addressed. And you can't address that through diet alone. There are things dietarily that you can do, but again, because of the depletion of the soil and all kinds of other issues, you are in a situation where you're going to feel a lot better if you find a high quality methylated supplement to take on a regular basis. It's those types of things and that type of information that we have to get out there to people, because it's literally they think that they're in that situation. They look in the mirror and they're like well, I guess there's nothing I can do.

Speaker 2:

This is my, this is my lot in life, so it's so true. Here's the thing, though, you know and this is what people need to hear, if they hear anything, because I feel like you know I mean, yeah, we're sharing the problems that people are facing and the why behind the problems that they're facing, but the reality is is the whole purpose of our conversation today is to make people have hope, to make people know that our bodies are absolutely capable of feeling great. Okay, it's a fact, your bodies are capable of it. You just have to know how to feel them properly, and that is really what I want you guys to take away today is what you can do about this, because you can do something, and, even if you only pick off one or two of these things to do, you know, to create small lifestyle changes that are sustainable over time. You'll look up six from six months from now and be thankful that you did so.

Speaker 2:

Let's dive right in. Right. How are we going to rebuild our energy and resilience, regardless of what our age is? Because, right, there are people in their 20s that are facing this and there are people in their 60s that are facing this and everything in between, right. The reality is, there is hope, there are things that you can do.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's really five. You know we've broken it down to five things that we think people, if they really try to focus on, can really change their life. First and foremost, fuel your body at the cellular level, not at the stimulant level, okay. So if you learn nothing else from this podcast, understand that there's a difference between cellular energy and stimulant energy. Okay, there's a huge difference between the two. And your fatigue and all of the issues that come along with it and the way that you feel and your ability to do the things you want are a lack of cellular energy. Okay, not the other form, not that stimulant. Okay, we wanna address the fatigue at the cellular level. So, fuel your body at the cellular level. You want to try and increase your body's natural NAD production? You can do that. Hey, you're gonna start feeling amazing pretty quickly.

Speaker 1:

The second is you want to balance your metabolism and your hormones. Okay, now how do I do that? Well, know that your metabolism is controlled by your liver. Okay, we have to make sure that we take care of our liver. You take care of your liver, you're going to have a happy metabolism. You have a happy metabolism? Hey, we have a better chance of balancing it, but from a hormone balance standpoint, we got to make sure that we're maintaining blood sugar levels and adrenal function. Okay, we can't blow those adrenals out by overstimulation too many. You know high sugar content energy drinks and things of that nature and we have to watch our sugar intake. You know let's be crazy and instead of being you know the 33 servings per day that the average American is, cut that down to 16. Now, obviously I'd love you to cut it down to six or seven, but let's be realistic. You know, rome wasn't built in a day. Let's try to cut it in half and let's try to see the difference that it makes in your body. You're going to feel amazing and the one thing you're going to notice really quickly is the quality of your skin tone. You know when those things start to come down. The other thing we want to do, okay.

Speaker 1:

Number three is we want to lower inflammation naturally. Okay, the way we do that is the right diet, the right lifestyle and the proper supplements. You know, feeding our body what it wants, what it needs, when it needs it to reduce inflammation naturally, trying to bring those things down. In other words, let's don't constantly keep using anti-inflammatories and Advils and Excedrins and all these things. I mean, I can't tell you how many people out there that are just addicted to these things and they end up with something called spider gut, unless you have a very strong gut and very strong stomach, I don't recommend that you Google spider gut and what that looks like. It literally looks like a cobweb inside your gut system and that's what your food is trying to pass through. Hence why a lot of constipation, gut-related issues and other things come about, and that's overuse of those types of anti-inflammatories. Again, we wanna lower inflammation, naturally.

Speaker 1:

The fourth is we want to optimize our detox pathways. Our bodies are being inundated with toxins and pollutants that our body doesn't know what to do with. As a result, it's storing them in our fat cells. We want to give the body what it needs to detoxify. To the point Laura made earlier, a detox is not a three-day poop cleanse. Okay, it's not. I'm being very frank here. It's. You know, when people say, hey, I'm going to go on a three-day cleanse, you know I went to the bathroom five times. I must be good. No, it's a process. You want to clean out your kidneys, you want to clean out your colon. You want to clean out your gut. You want to clean out the liver, you want to restore the gut? Okay, giving the food, the probiotics and the prebiotics that your gut needs to have a healthy gut flora. Remember the gut. You know the whole system. There is your second brain, it is literally the central system for your immune system and your health. So we want to optimize those detox pathways, your immune system and your health. So we want to optimize those detox pathways.

Speaker 1:

And fifth, and probably one of the most important, is fix your sleep and stress response. You know, prioritize sleep, don't prioritize. You know TikTok and reels so many people. You know they're like, hey, I'm going to go to bed. And you know, all of a sudden, you know you get six TikToks and a couple of reels. You know I was like, hey, I thought you were going to bed. Well, tiktoks and a couple of reels. You know I was like, hey, I thought you were going to bed. Well, I did. I just laid down. And you know, with my phone, until two o'clock in the morning. You know we have to get these things right. We have to prioritize the right thing, as I said no-transcript until I started addressing these deeper issues.

Speaker 2:

and and guys, if you haven't uh, done you know any revel of research on nad and finding a quality supplement that bypasses the gut, gets directly into your bloodstream and gets you NAD, and consistently, you should be looking for it because it is essential to just about everything. I mean, mark said it earlier, but NAD is the molecule of life. It literally helps like every single one of these things you know you're talking about balancing metabolism and hormones. It supports that Lowering your inflammation, naturally. Oh, it supports that Helping optimize detox helps that, right. It helps you sleep better so that when you are asleep, you're actually repairing and recovering faster. It even helps your body stress response. So, right, there are lots of things you can do for all of these items that Mark just talked about, but here's the reality you can address quite a bit of it by just finding a high quality NAD supplement.

Speaker 2:

Here's the secret that I want you guys to know you do not have to spend three to $5,000 to do it. Yes, wealthy people, the stars, athletes, are doing it. They're doing very expensive injections and or IVs, but that is not required anymore. The scientific technology has come a long way. We've already found breakthroughs and the stories are unreal as in regards to what can be done, just by providing your body with a high quality supplement, that that helps your body produce more NAD and actually get it into the cell. So, as a big one, definitely talk to somebody, start doing research, look for that.

Speaker 2:

I can tell you ID Life has an incredible, has an incredible product for this, but I just want you guys to know that it's out there and it is possible. You do not have to accept exhaustion, brain fog, sluggish metabolism as your normal. You just don't. You do not have to accept that. It's not normal. Right, we can help by listening to this and taking notes and really tackling a few of these things. You would be shocked at your body's ability to thrive when you give it what it needs.

Speaker 1:

You know, laura, the thing that I love most about what we get to do for people is we get to empower them. You know, they have amazing stories. They have the will, they have the desire. A lot of them are coming from the place of they've tried everything else, and some of them, I mean, they look in the mirror and they feel like, okay, I'm going to give up because I've tried everything and nothing works for me. The difference that we make here is we give people the understanding that each one of us is uniquely designed.

Speaker 1:

Each one of us has our own path and we, basically, are the guide. We give them the information to say, hey, it's not your fault, you know, you didn't do anything wrong other than your body wanted you to zig when you zagged because you didn't have the manual, you didn't know what your body wanted. You didn't know that your body, hey, doesn't metabolize these things, doesn't process these things. Let's be real, we have been on the cutting edge of this information for 11 plus years when we're trying to educate people. I mean, we were well before our time talking about GMOs and MTHFR and all these other things that we've talked about today. The benefit that we provide people isn't that, hey, we know everything. No, we absolutely don't. In fact, we are intellectually curious all the time. We're always trying to learn, but what we are is just zealously your guide, through your challenges, your issues, your problems, to provide you solutions so that you can take control of your health and make informed choices, you know.

Speaker 1:

I would say the one thing that ID Life does better than anyone else and in some respects it's scary to the individual that basically finds ID Life for the first time is hey, we're going to give you the owner's manual, we're going to give you the playbook, and if you don't follow it, I'm sorry. But that's you, that's not us. You know we're literally showing you what you need to do and it's not a guess thing. You know it's not a fad thing, it's not a hey, here's the next greatest thing. I mean, if you're looking for the you know the lose weight quick pill or any of these, you know super thing, you came to the wrong place. That's not who we are.

Speaker 1:

What we're trying to do is teach people how to have their last first day. In other words, let's actually put you on a path of taking control, because, at the end of the day, the most powerful thing that we can give an individual is not only their health back, but their ability to give health back to the people that they care about and they love. But their ability to give health back to the people that they care about and they love. And when you do that for somebody, you actually give them and empower them with the ability to help others. The result, the benefit, the reward that comes from that is imaginable.

Speaker 1:

So one of the things I love about this podcast is the ability to talk to a lot of people, be in their cars, be in their ear and do those things. But one of the other things I always do, laura, is I always like to give the guests and in this case you're the guest, you know the last word, because I'm never that person. I like to talk. I hate to hear myself speak, but I love to talk. I love to educate, but sometimes there's a point, there's a question, there's something else that I didn't make as part of the podcast, and I always like to give my guests the opportunity to kind of make that last statement before we wrap things up.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. You know, my final, my final closing thoughts are you know, try some of these small shifts. Here's a reality, right? While we're all uniquely designed, there are some core, foundational elements that are the same and maybe for each of us it's a little bit different how we get there right, how we get to adrenal fatigue, how we get to all these things that we talked about today. Yes, our lifestyle and decisions and things that we're doing every single day are determining, right, why we're facing some of these issues. But you can address this.

Speaker 2:

Try making just small shifts. Don't try to be radical. Don't try to do everything we talked about today. Just try one or two things that we talked about today and then look up once you've made that truly a lifestyle change for you that is sustainable over time, and then pick off the next one. Just put one foot in front of the other. I promise if you look up six months from now and you do that, you will be absolutely mind blown at where you are in comparison to where you were.

Speaker 2:

And if you want a simple way to start, right, if you are looking for the easy button, I'll be honest I was, I have been, I'm always looking for easy buttons, right, things that I can do, simply, if you're looking for that easy button and you want one thing, and the only your one thing, that that I say today, that one thing is do write a little bit of research, dig in on the uh, the solution for NAD, right? Look for a way to increase your NAD levels, and I can tell you uh, I'm maybe biased, but we do have the most affordable option on the market that actually does get directly into your bloodstream. So why not give it a try? What do you have to lose, right? What do you have to lose? I'll tell you this you don't. You don't have anything to lose. You have everything to gain.

Speaker 2:

Give it a shot, because I'll tell you the stories and the impact that we have been able to have on people just by addressing this one thing and the cascading effect that it has on your body. When you are giving your body what it needs to restore energy at its source, right at the very source of it, which is really what's leading to all of these things, you will be pleasantly surprised when you look up after having been on that for 30, 60, 90 days and continuously. Like Mark said, rewind the clock. You have the ability to rewind the clock on your biological age. You can do it. It can be done. There is hope. We hope you take us up on that and are excited to hear the results that you guys have with it.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, laura, the only thing that I'm going to do, unapologetically, is add to what you just said, because I think there's an equivocation that needs to be made, which is when you do your research on NAD production and boosting your natural NAD levels, what you're going to find is that there's two effective methods. And boosting your natural NAD levels. What you're going to find is that there's two effective methods. One is intravenous. Okay, intravenous method is a dollar a milligram on average. That means an effective scientific dose is 250 milligrams. That's $250 per treatment.

Speaker 1:

That's not sustainable for most people, especially when the you know the treatment protocol calls for four to 5,000 milligrams over a period of time. You can do the math on that it's a dollar a milligram, it's $45,000. That's not attainable by most, which is why it's literally been for the rich and famous. The others that are out there are in the forms of pills, powders and liquids, and 90% of those compounds get adulterated by stomach acid. They just get obliterated. So a lot of that, you're just not even getting what you're paying for. Acid, they just get obliterated. So a lot of that, you're just not even getting what you're paying for.

Speaker 1:

The benefit of what we've developed is that it's an oral mucosal strip, literally dissolved into the oral mucosal, go directly into the bloodstream, and that's why people get results, and we're the only ones on the planet that have it. So, unapologetically, I'm going to tell you if you want the affordable solution, you can only really go one place Do your research, find out what it is, find out how, how it's working, but, most importantly, understand that the reason why ID life exists is not to create me two things. It's literally to create cutting edge scientific solutions for individuals, to get them the answers to the problem that they're suffering with at an affordable price. That's what we do, that's who we are, that's what we are, and again, don't mean to, you know, jump on it, but I'm just going to be unapologetically bold on that issue. I mean, if this is something that interests you, there's only one place to get it and that's at ID Life. So that's me. That's Laura.

Speaker 1:

On behalf of both of us, thank you for being here on the podcast Until next time. Can't wait to talk to you again real soon.