Healthy Simplified

Genetics and Nutrition: Understanding What "Customized To You" Truly Means

Mark Bennett

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Unlock the secrets to a healthier, more personalized approach to nutrition with Laura Brandt, president of IDLife. Prepare to be amazed as we discuss the explosive growth of the personalized nutrition market, projected to reach $16.4 billion by 2026, and how IDLife's innovative IDNutrition is at the forefront of this revolution. Laura shares her invaluable insights into the importance of individualized health management, especially in light of recent global events that have made us all more conscious of our nutritional choices.

Join us as we explore the meticulous science behind IDLife's tailored supplement plans. Laura explains how making small, manageable changes can lead to sustainable health improvements and highlights the convenience of IDLife’s pre-sorted, customized vitamins. Discover the high standards upheld by IDLife, including pharma-level CGMP quality programs and the introduction of IDLife Shield, which protects users from harmful supplements. Learn about the comprehensive assessment process that ensures you receive the most valuable, personalized health recommendations tailored just for you.

Dive into the intricacies of supplement intake with a focus on timing, co-factors, and the revolutionary inclusion of Vitamin D3 with K2 to prevent arterial calcification. Laura reveals the advantages of chelated iron supplements and stresses the limitations of genetic-only recommendations. Understand why considering lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors is crucial for truly customized health solutions. This episode is packed with eye-opening information that will transform your understanding of nutrition and guide you towards achieving optimal health. Don't miss out on these invaluable insights from an industry leader in personalized nutrition.
Speaker 1:

Welcome to the podcast everyone. We're back again for another healthy, simplified podcast, joined once again by the president of IDLife, ms Laura Brandt, to talk about what is really the differentiator of IDLife and we refer to it as IDNutrition, but you may know it as Customized Vitamins and Minerals, where you actually have a program designed just for you. No one size fits all here. Laura, thanks for being here again.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited to be here and to talk about one of my favorite topics, definitely a passion of mine for a little over a decade now, so this is going to be a good one.

Speaker 1:

The thing that I love about it most is we say bold things at Ideal Life when it comes to nutrition, which is we're the only truly customized vitamin platform on the planet. And we don't say that lightly, because, you know, the whole point of this podcast is to basically explain to people, and I think when we get to the end, people are really going to get to understand it. But it's not just the fact that we've been doing it longer than everybody else, it's not that we do it better than everyone else, it's we just do it and others just talk about it. In fact, when we added genetics to it, it just added a whole nother layer. But one of the things that I think it's important to do is to understand the market, understand the market size, understand that, what people are dealing with and the factors that are driving the market growth in this particular area. Why don't we dive into that a little bit so people can understand why this is such an important area for ID Life and, most importantly, for their own personal health?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it should come as no surprise that the personalized nutrition market is really it's booming. Quite frankly, it is actually was already valued at over $8 billion back in 2020. And now, obviously, a lot has happened and post what happened a few years back, people care more about their nutrition and, I think, their health than they did before, and really, I think our understanding that they have to own it right. They have to play an active role in managing their health because they don't want to be sick and I think it's for a lot of reasons right, they don't want to feel bad, they don't want to be sick, they have a little bit more awareness, but also it's expensive to be sick, and so it's no surprise whatsoever that this market personalized nutrition just that is expected to reach $16.4 billion in just a few short years by 2026. And that's massive growth. You go from $ billion to over 16 billion in just a few years.

Speaker 2:

We'll tell you that this market is poised to absolutely explode. It's not going to stop, I think. It's going to just keep growing faster and faster. And I think it's because people realize that they probably shouldn't be taking the same multivitamin, in my case, as my husband. Right, we're completely different people. He weighs more than Iitamin, in my case, as my husband. Right, we're completely different people. He weighs more than I do. He's taller than I am right. His needs are different than mine, and personalizing something to me is by far a most effective way, and the more that we find that to be true, I think, the more people are going to find out about it and the more people are going to place value on it. And we know what happens when people place value on things. They spend money there, and as they spend more and more money and more people become aware it's just going to keep growing.

Speaker 1:

You danced all around it because no one wants to talk about that wonderful thing that happened to all of us in 2020. But there's two C words now in medicine. There's cancer, which no one ever wants to hear, and then there's the other C word of that wonderful, wonderful little thing that happened to all of us in 2020. But what's interesting about that, and what a lot of people may not know, is that the time period from 2020 to now, there is about 4x the amount of research and nutritional science that has been completed, probably because scientists had time on their hands to do things, but 4x.

Speaker 2:

And funding right. It's not just time, it's the funding. The reality is the government funded them. People funded growth and science and nutrition.

Speaker 1:

because it works and what's interesting about a lot of that research is what it discovered. It literally discovered that. Oh, by the way, we actually do need targeted nutritional programs. Each person is a little bit different. Each person is a little bit different. Each person needs a little something unique. Each person has issues and problems that they're dealing with, or genetic predispositions or an inability to metabolize things, and if you want to optimize your health and wellness, you need to have a customized program that fits you. And, of course, the funny thing is, when we started this thing almost 11 years ago, we were using the words customized nutrition and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. They're like what do you mean? Customized? What does that mean? And it now, with science, the way that it's evolving, the rise of chronic disease in this country I can't even begin to go there the amount of people that are dealing with chronic inflammation. People are just becoming more health conscious and, most importantly, they want to take control of their own health, and that's maybe the biggest rise in the business area.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. And the reality is that there's real science right behind personalized nutrition. This isn't just like a gimmick. There's science to prove that it is more effective and that there are significant limitations in the one-size-fits-all approach. People have individual needs. That's a reality. And more than that, even just what you're born with, which obviously plays a huge role genetic factors, what you're inheriting from your parents and your ancestors is really important, yes, but so are the impacts of your lifestyle, right? Me and my sister while we may have similar genetics because we have the same parents, the reality is that my lifestyle is different than hers and our environment is different. We live in different states and therefore our needs are slightly different, and it's always interesting to me to even see the differences between our vitamin packs. But there's no question that there are limitations of the one size fits all approach and that the scientific support for persillation is there, right. There's so much to support this and I look forward to digging.

Speaker 1:

Beyond the nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic components of what makes us different and I'm not going to go into genetics that deep, but just know that those exist the studies that have come out were pretty astounding. In fact one study they were doing in nursing homes and they were trying to find could they provide a one-size-fits-all approach, approach to filling seniors nutritional gaps, to basically give them a better standard of life. In that study that was done on 20,000 plus individuals over a long period of time came out and I'm going to actually read the quote because it's the headline of the quote. It says today an adequate supply of nutrients is often unattainable solely through a well balanced diet. Supply of nutrients is often unattainable solely through a well-balanced diet, so a targeted, individually designed dietary supplement regimen is necessary.

Speaker 2:

I can't say any better. You mean Ensure, doesn't?

Speaker 1:

fit. Every senior's needs Exactly the one-a-day vitamins. You mean the hey, everyone needs X, everyone needs. No, it just simply isn't the case. And in fact, the unique aspect again, what we call customized nutrition, we call it ID nutrition, individually designed nutrition. And when we say individually designed, we're not saying, hey, you take this assessment and in five to 10 minutes you're going to get one of five possibilities. No, we have 3.9 million possible outcomes. Think of this. As good as anybody has 3.9 million.

Speaker 1:

That means two people in just about any city in the country, much less any state, don't have the same recommendation. There's a scientific why behind all of it. We're the only ones that take everything into consideration, from genetics to diet, to lifestyle, to environment, to prescription and over the count of the drugs, your symptoms, stress, sleep, exercise, you name it. We're looking at it and we're literally going to then provide you detailed recommendations and in there we're going to literally say, hey, here's a why on why you need it. And that why says this is what it is, this is why you need it. And, more importantly, here's the independent, third-party, peer-reviewed science to support the recommendation. And that's why we have so many doctors and medical practitioners that use our platform, because when you know the first thing, you take your doctor. Where's the science to support that recommendation we're like. Which one do you want to know about? Because at ID Life we have all of them. Which? What science do you want to read?

Speaker 2:

yes, it's so true, even things like in thfr. I know we talk about this topic regularly but with, you know, half the population, maybe more, struggling with methylation. Clearly there are vitamins that can support you. There are vitamins that supported me.

Speaker 2:

I think that it that it has to be said that one of the leading causes of miscarriage and infertility is injitsu bar, like the fact that women are struggling in this area and they need to know that there are solutions for them and that they're personalized, that they can find something that supports exactly what their body needs to do, what it was designed to do. And I know my life has been impacted by that significantly. I didn't even know that I was in TGFR positive when I started taking ID Nutrition and having been told since I was 15 that the likelihood of me ever getting pregnant, much less sustaining pregnancy, were very low, and in fact, I didn't get pregnant until I was in my late 20s. And I think it has to be said that personalized nutrition works and I'm certainly grateful it worked for me. I can't imagine my life without my daughter. So, yeah, to say that personalized nutrition and ID nutrition is near and dear to my heart would definitely be.

Speaker 1:

When you throw the genetic aspect in there like, for instance, you brought up MTHFR and we've been talking about it for 10 plus years One of the things I like to educate people on is understanding what it means if you have a marker and it's one of the things that ID Life does is you have MTHFR, you have folic acid which basically you can't metabolize. Little known fact it masks itself in your bloodstream as B12. So you could literally take a blood test and say, hey, I have a normal or a high B12 level, when in reality you don't. It's folic acid that's masked because you have MTHFR. Or you may take a genetic test and find out oh, I didn't realize, I don't metabolize vitamin D from the sun. Who knew? Because, guess what, I have a light pigment but guess what, I don't metabolize it through the sun. So guess what? Supplementation is the only way that I'm going to get a healthy vitamin D level. People just don't know these things. And when you add that component in, all of a sudden it's this eye-opening analysis of what people didn't understand about themselves from a genetic standpoint.

Speaker 1:

And we don't just look at those things. We're talking about how your body metabolizes all key vitamins. We're talking about how your body wants to perform from a muscle standpoint. Are you a performance athlete? Are you an endurance athlete? Are you somewhere in between? Body weight Little known fact a lot of people out there that are trying to lose weight and failing on a regular basis. Hey, I was one of you, college athlete and then 306 pounds 10 years later and trying to figure out what happened to that guy. But the reality was, when I was a college athlete, I had 400 pound eating habits. I was just training myself into health when I stopped doing it. All of a sudden, here I am no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

There's so much, even how you should be working out. I go back to post having my daughter who, goodness, I was just so thankful to have her and then afterwards to figure out that could not get off the baby weight. And here's the reality I was working against my body. Once I figured it out, once I figured out that a low carb diet was never going to work for me, once I figured out that I needed to be doing HIIT workouts and lifting weights in order to burn fat and started making those incremental changes. It's amazing how fast 20, 30 pounds not only came off but, most importantly, stayed off.

Speaker 2:

And again, I always want to go back to this thought that it's not about changing everything at once. It's about systematically making small changes that you can live with for a lifetime. And there's something about knowing that what you're taking every day is specifically designed for you. It's your body's needs, and obviously I think it has to be said that the ease, the simplicity of it being pre-sorted for you and also provided to you at the right times this is what personalized nutrition can offer for you, and I always go back to the fact that we're the only ones that really are truly doing it right? Yes, and I'm so thankful that we're able to provide people with a real solution to those problems. And it's not necessarily just the assessment, it's also the formulas right. We are upholding a pharma level CGMP quality program, which means that we're testing every single raw material that's going into every single pill. That's important. We're making sure that what we're saying is in it is actually in it at its purest form, and then take that a step further. We're custom formulizing every single product that goes into iDentrition.

Speaker 2:

Identrition isn't just an assessment. We're not just giving you vitamins, we are giving you formulas designed to fit your needs and they actually work. Right, I think, even when you think about some of the products and I say products because every single vitamin and nutrient that's in ID Nutrition is truly, it could be a standalone product and you look at just even peel back one or two you look at our magnesium or even our omega. My goodness, the imbalance of omegas that are being sold in the marketplace right now is, quite frankly, disgusting, and the fact that we're using not only the highest quality omegas, but in the proper balance designed for you to get the most out of it, means that you don't have to spend as much, because you're getting exactly what you need, and a lot of times you're getting multiple combinations of things in one single pill rather than having to buy three or four pills.

Speaker 2:

It is what I would say the most cost effective thing on the marketplace as well, and so it goes above and beyond the assessment and the science. But you've got to add in the convenience and the cost effectiveness of it. So there's no question that we're onto something here, and there's a reason why we're contributing to the growth of this space and to what people really the awareness of this space. But I think we should also talk a little bit about the ID Life Shield, because that component of the assessment itself is one of those things that, when you really truly understand what the ID Life Shield is, it makes you a little bit scared to take someone else's stuff right. I would be if I knew that there are things that I could be taking, thinking they were good for me, that are actually harming me. I would want to know what those things are, and that's what's so cool about the shield is that it actually not only identifies them and make sure that you're not getting them, but it also tells you why.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you brought that up, because one of the things we say all the time is what we keep you from taking is probably more important than what we recommend that you take, because so many people are taking something because Uncle Joe said it was good for them, or some TikTok influencer said, hey, you should try this, or God only knows who put them onto something, and one of the value propositions of ID Life is we give people free information about themselves.

Speaker 1:

Now, before I get into the shield, though, because I think we have to roll things back a little bit I think I need to explain something to people, and really I'm not even the right person to explain it. The fact that you're here is a testament to the fact that, hey, this just is going to work out the way that it needs to be, because there's a lot of people that are listening to this that don't really understand. Okay, I understand it's customized, I understand there's 3.9 million possible outcomes, but how do you know what you know about me? I think we have to back up and explain to them the process that they go through in taking our assessment and then what they get as a result of that, because we give people some really valuable free information and free material. That's just about them. So I can't think of anyone better to explain that process than you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I could talk about this all day long, because we're truly doing something that nobody else is doing right Not only making sure that I'm getting all the things I need because of what my genetic test is telling me, because of what my assessment lifestyle is telling me, but, like you said, ensuring that I'm not getting the things that I shouldn't be getting. That would absolutely hinder my progress and goals, and so I definitely think that the reality of what we're doing is only going to become, what I would say, more and more impactful over time as we continuously learn more about the science. I think that it's important that we pause for a second and talk about the evolution of our supplements. Every single product, every single pill, every single thing that we're doing is constantly growing, evolving. I think this past year, we enhanced the formula of 90% of the products in iNutrition. Is that?

Speaker 1:

right. One of the things that iD Life does is we're never committed to staying where we are, and that's the thing. Since day one, we've said hey look, we believe that we have the best, most bioavailable or easily metabolized nutrients you can find anywhere From patented formulations to branded formulations to you name it. We have it. Yeah, but our commitment has always been if you find something that is better, let us know and we'll change. That's always been our commitment. Yeah, and in some respects, sometimes we change before people even identify there's something else out there better, because we have so many manufacturers that want to work with ID Life because of who we are in the industry. There's a lot of people that just want to be associated and want to work with ID Life Because of who we are in the industry. There's a lot of people that just want to be associated and want to bring their products to us because they know the quality standards that we follow and see when somebody is going to.

Speaker 1:

For instance, I was talking about the assessment. It's literally 10 to 15 minutes of your time. You're going to. It's free, you take it online. You're going to be in a HIPAA protected environment. Okay. What that basically means is we treat your information just like it's a medical record. Okay, you're going to give us information about your diet, your lifestyle, medical conditions, family history, a lot of what we would consider a medical background history, if you will. Very similar to that, except for you're also going to talk about stress and sleep and over-the-counter medications and things of that nature. The reason why that is so important is because in the background of the assessment, there's over 10,000 independent third-party peer-reviewed studies. There's over 7,000 algorithms that are all cross-correlating all of that information to provide you the recommendation that we talk about. Okay, but on top of that, we're going to give you something for free. We're going to one give you a health score. Nobody likes their score. The average score is between a 16 and 80. Sorry, that's just the way that it is. You live in America.

Speaker 2:

There aren't any perfect humans If there are.

Speaker 1:

I can tell you we had somebody that had ran the Hawaiian triathlon, which is maybe one of the best triathlons in the world. I think he scored a 91, which I think is the highest we've ever had on the assessment and he was mad because he wanted to know what he needed to do to get to 100.

Speaker 2:

And I said I really don't know, but you can read your report and it'll tell you.

Speaker 1:

And that's the best part, because in there you also get a 6 to 16 page.

Speaker 2:

That's. The thing, though, is some things are out of your control, right, they're inherited. So it's like, hey, I'm sorry, you're not 100, you're not perfect, because there are some things that are out of your control and nutritional support is just needed. Like you said, if your body can't get the vitamin D it needs from the sun, it doesn't matter what you do, it still can't do it.

Speaker 2:

You still have to. There's some things that are required, but I think what you said about the assessment I want to pause also there because I know it is the proprietary nature of the assessment is so important and so impactful, and I want to emphasize that just a little bit, having been someone who has been on the back end, the development side, and seeing what has been poured into this assessment over really the last 20 years, but even more so in the last 10 years you're talking about at this point probably close to a million, if not more than a million dollars just in in the backend technology alone, not to mention the science that it contains and the fact that it's I mean literally is someone's job to research the new science that's coming out every single day on vitamins, nutrients, the interaction of those, the support, right, as you said earlier, the fact that technology is growing at such an alarming rate so fast in this space. But here's the reality. It's great that there's all this new science out there, but it's not doing anything for you unless you can put it into action. And that's, I think, said simply what this assessment does is it takes all of this information, this science, and it really takes that all and simplifies it, cross-references it with you and then provides you with a personalized program designed to fit your needs that are scientifically backed.

Speaker 2:

But that's not just something you could just go do. You have to validate these studies, you have to read them, understand and comprehend what they mean, and then you have to put them to work. I couldn't do that for myself. Impossible, there's no way I couldn't. The amount of time we spend just researching and looking for the latest information that's being provided to the scientific community every single month, it takes a considerable amount of time. But then you have to go to the past too, and that's what's so powerful about this assessment it does all that for you and, like I've said, most importantly, it actually puts it to work for you. And that is where the secret, or that's where the magic, is.

Speaker 1:

And you mentioned the shield, and this is probably, to me, the most important thing that we have, because when you get to that end, you get to that recommendation page, you'll see things that have a red circle with a line through them, in other words, hey, these are not things you should be taking. In fact, usually they contraindicate or they're not good with some type of pharmaceutical that you're currently taking over-the-counter drug or a condition that you have. You may have a condition and, hey, look, you should not be taking the supplement period, end of story. And what's interesting is how many times people will call and say hold on a second, what do you mean? I shouldn't be taking this. I've been taking this for X. Okay, I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

We had an OBGYN call in because we had a lady that was pregnant. Id Nutrition can convert to a prenatal if you happen to be pregnant. The customer decided to use ID Nutrition as opposed to the $300 bottle of prenatal vitamins that her OB had prescribed to her, and the OB was just livid that there were three ingredients that were not included in ID nutrition that she just knew that this patient needed. The problem was the doctor had also prescribed this particular patient two different pharmaceuticals to deal with conditions that she was dealing with during her pregnancy. And, of course, the call got elevated to me and I had an opportunity to ask the doctor Doc, did you know that these pharmaceuticals that you recommended, or that you prescribed, actually contraindicate with the three nutrients that you just talked about, and that's why they're not recommended? They're actually harmful not only to the patient, but potentially to the fetus. You could have heard a pin drop, and this is not a one-off. This happens all the time where people are taking things.

Speaker 2:

The reality is doctors have to know contraindications between medications and they spend a lot of time in school studying medications, pharmaceuticals specifically, and it's a huge responsibility, right but they really don't have that training. They'll tell you this isn't a knock on them, they're just saying that really don't have that training on nutritional supplements, and so that's another really cool thing, as we partnered with doctors over the years and we have a lot of them in our network that use ID Nutrition in their practices, and that's because of that exact reason, which is it takes the responsibility of knowing every single nutritional supplement ingredient on the market and knowing whether or not it contraindicates with the medication or medical condition that their patient might have. And, like you said, there's a lot of them, there's tons. If you guys knew the amount honestly, I don't even think we've ever counted but we should how many contraindications that really exist between medications medical conditions and nutrients.

Speaker 2:

The list is so long, and that's what's so great about this. Assessment is like within a couple of minutes, bam, you know the answer. End of story. You do not have to worry about those things anymore, and so I love that about this product, this program, the ID Life Shield. It does make a difference, right, and it's not even just which supplements you should be taking. It also even takes into consideration time of day. For example, someone who might be on thyroid medications. There are certain things that they should not be taking within a certain time frame of that thyroid medication. So therefore, it needs to be moved, need to be given to you at a different time of day, and again, the shield does that for you and nobody else has it, and it's only at ID Live. I've never even seen anything come close, and even if they started to try, the amount of time and energy and effort it would take for them to get all of the data that we've been compiling for over 20 years would be quite the uphill climb. So I'm so thankful that we have an incredible team of people that are so committed to doing this and doing it the right way and continuously learning and growing.

Speaker 2:

Like we said earlier, 2023, 2024 upgrades. We pretty much upgraded our entire line. We only have maybe a couple things left, and the reason why we did that and I think it's really important to know is because the science has gotten better and so we know more, not even just about what should be in it, which we do. We learn more about that the supplements, what they should have, the items that should be in there that help support the absorption of it, that make it more effective. Example, right Vitamin D and K2. That's a huge one. Talk about the science and the cofactors that have to be present, again, because if they're not, there could actually be harm done.

Speaker 1:

Right, talk about vitamin D and K2 and how revolutionary even that would be when science comes out and it says, hey, there's a lot of people that are supplementing. In fact, the study was done by Stanford and then confirmed by Cal Berkeley, or done by Cal Berkeley, confirmed by Stanford, I can't remember the exact order. But what they were trying to determine is why were men having heart attacks and women dying from them? Okay, the hypothesis or the joke was because men are stronger. Oh yeah, really, I've never seen a man have a baby, so don't say men are stronger, that's just not a possibility. They were literally trying to figure it out and what they found was women were regularly supplementing with calcium and vitamin D and, as a result of that, they were getting increased calcification in the arterial walls of the heart. And the reason why is because without the cofactor K2, guess what this calcification was occurring. When you had the cofactor or the K2 vitamin with these supplements, all of a sudden, that calcification was not occurring. So the recommendation of the scientists was hey, don't take these supplements without also taking vitamin K2. So what does ID Life do? We actually create our vitamin D3 supplement with K2 in it. Hard to take vitamin D without taking K2 if it's in there. It took care of the issue, but it's a prime example of who we are and what we do. You were mentioning the 32 different products we have and ID Nutrition just being were mentioning the 32 different products we have and ID Nutrition just being a delivery system of those things.

Speaker 1:

We have something like an iron supplement and most people are like iron is iron, iron is boring, iron is a boring supplement. It's just people that need it. But the reality is we use a chelated form of it. People are like, okay, what does chelated mean? That means it's what we call ionic neutral. Okay, we all remember back in science there's positives, the protons, and the negative, the positive, neutrons and electrons and all that stuff. But the reality is, if you get a mineral that is ionically neutral, it doesn't have a charge, it doesn't attach to things and your body can actually use it, metabolize it. But a majority of the iron supplements on the market today are ionically charged. Your body doesn't even metabolize it. They attach to something else and you don't even get a benefit from it and unfortunately that is a heavy metal. And if you're not getting the benefit of it, guess what you're probably getting? You're getting the detriment side, and people don't talk about these things and there's so many companies out there right now and I want to talk about the differentiator, because we make a firm stance that we're the only truly customized platform but there's companies out there that are doing what we're doing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one of the types of companies out there is what I call the genetics only company. Those are companies that take your genetics and say based upon your genetics, you need the following supplement regimen. Okay, that's dangerous, because a genetic test no genetic test can tell you what you need to supplement with period. End of story. All a genetic test. No genetic test can tell you what you need to supplement with period. End of story. All a genetic test can tell you is how your body metabolizes nutrients. It knows nothing about your diet. It knows nothing about your lifestyle. It knows nothing about your family background, your history. It knows nothing. All it knows is how your body metabolizes nutrients. So to make a recommendation based upon genetics alone, it's just dangerous. Period end of story. What about companies that are?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you need to take everything into account, and that's right. We're all people. Like I said, my sister and I have similar genetics and some of the things are the same and some of the things are not the same, but it comes down to that there are additional things at play how we live our life right, how we live our life where we live. I was talking about this earlier. My sister and I live in different states. The reality of that is we are exposed to completely different things.

Speaker 2:

She lives out in the country, in the middle of nowhere almost, and I live in a city, so my toxic exposure, exposure, my toxin exposure is much higher than hers, and we talked about that in the previous episode about detox. But there are supplements that can support my lifestyle and, again, genetics are only part of the picture. They're a really important part of the picture, but they're just not the whole picture, and I think that's such an important thing for us to note that we're doing something where we're actually incorporating that information and then again cross-referencing it with your lifestyle, with your family medical history, with your drugs, the medications that you're taking. It's everything all at once is being cross-referenced to you and that is powerful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then you have the companies out there that are doing blood and making recommendations. Let me tell you something about your blood. Your blood tells you a moment in time. Okay, take your blood today and take your blood the day after the Super Bowl. You're probably going to have two different types of blood types, especially from a nutrient standpoint. It's just going to be different, again, blood.

Speaker 2:

I mean even think about when they take your blood. Put this into simple context for yourself. Sometimes I think we don't really take a step back and look at things. There are certain times when your doctor requires that you fast the day of giving blood. Well, what does that tell you? That just the food that you eat can drastically change the results of your blood test in a single day? The difference of fasting before a blood test and not fasting before a blood test, that is proof right there that blood alone is not sufficient.

Speaker 1:

And then there's the copycat companies, the ones that have come out with questionnaires, what I call the questionnaire-only companies.

Speaker 2:

I call them quizzes because it's not really like a whole test, it's like a mini quiz.

Speaker 1:

There was one of our competitors that literally, at one point, had copied our assessment, literally copied every question. The problem they didn't or they couldn't copy was the logic that was behind us, in other words, the science that supported it. See, when we say we have science to support a recommendation for you the Y button next to every recommendation we're not saying that, like these companies, hey, vitamin C can have the following benefits. No, the science that you read, if you basically cut, copy, paste it into to PubMedgov and go read them, is somebody in your situation, with your condition, based upon the answers that you provided, needs this nutrient in this amount at this time of day? That's science. That's personalized.

Speaker 1:

Ok, this isn't some generalized. Hey, let me put a little smoke and mirror over here and make you don't pay attention to this kind of the Wizard of Oz type thing. We're literally going to expose all of these pretenders because none of them do what we do. We take everything into account to provide that recommendation to people, and we say it from the rooftops. We are the only ones that do this, and, now that we've been doing it for 10 plus years, the amount of people that have gotten benefits from it. My favorite stories, though, were the people that have taken it for two, three months and then decided, oh, I just don't know if this stuff is working. They stop and you know, within 15 or 20 days the body goes back to the way it was before and they're like, oh man, I didn't realize. And then they come back Like I'm not doing that again yeah, I love.

Speaker 2:

That's my favorite part about what we do. I think it goes without saying the passion that we have for this variety nutrition and for what we're doing. It truly is revolutionary. We could talk about how great it is all day, but the reality of why we do that is not to pat ourselves on the back, it's because of the people we help. Period, end of story. Story. Nothing else matters.

Speaker 2:

If we're not helping people get better, if we're not helping people completely change the trajectory of their health with ID Nutrition, then it's for nothing. And that's why we're here. That's why we're doing what we're doing. It's why we are so passionate about it and it's why we go to the extreme in every area, because it's about people. It's about the people that are out there that need what we're doing, and I was one of them. Mark, you were one of them. This isn't like a job, I know, for either one of us. This is a calling, because we personally were affected so significantly in our lives. You rewind to who we were pre-ID nutrition and you just you wouldn't even believe it. That's a story for another day.

Speaker 2:

But, having been on this product for now over 10 years, my husband having been on this product for over 10 years and you and your family. We've seen firsthand how powerful it is and the impact it has had, not only on us, but our families, our extended families, our friends, those people that we care about, and our customers, and that's why we're going to continue to do what we're doing. We're going to continue to be a beacon and we're going to continue to shape the future of personalized nutrition. We're not here just to do what we've been doing. We're here to keep making it better, to shape the industry as a whole. We've been doing it for a decade and we're not going to stop innovating and researching. We are committed to growing and evolving over time, making it better and better, because the more that we invest in that, the more people that we can help, and I love that. That is what ID Life is all about.

Speaker 1:

Right now. We probably have some listeners out there that are thinking to myself okay, so let me get this right. When I get this order from ID Nutrition or from ID Life, I'm going to have 32 bottles on my shelf and I'm going to have to figure out when to take what on what time of day and everything. That's literally probably what they they're thinking right now, because a lot of people don't realize we not only have created the world's only truly customized nutrition, but we also do it in a delivery platform that is maybe the absolute most convenient way to deliver a product ever created yeah, that's the really great thing is that we actually take every single vitamin recommendation and we put it into convenient daily packs.

Speaker 2:

They're little, tiny square packs that are sorted for you. That means we have medical grade machine, literally designed for pharmacies to ensure medication compliance. It's actually what they were designed for. We repurposed them, but they were designed to help make sure that patients who were taking multiple medications were taking them at the right time, because these patients were dying right Because of medication contraindications, things being taken together that shouldn't the wrong doses of things. So they literally created a machine that would ensure proper compliance so that they would not. Medications wouldn't kill people or cause significant harm. That was the idea behind these machines. But then we thought, wait a minute, right, we can use these. And that's the inventor of ID nutrition put that to work and figured out how to repurpose these medical pharmaceutical grade machines to sort and pack vitamins for you. And that's pretty cool because you have your own packets with your name on it AM and PM, pre-sorted. You can put your AM packet in your pocket, your PM packet when you're traveling. You don't have to take bottles of vitamins or pre-sort, it's all pre-sorted for you. It's pretty cool. It is pretty cool delivery system and it's so convenient.

Speaker 2:

But I think we talked about this briefly earlier. It's more than convenient. It's cost-effective because we're buying all of our vitamins and nutrients in massive quantities and we're not bottling it into all these individual bottles. We're able to provide that cost effectiveness and savings to our customers and in fact, every single time that we test ourselves against buying everything that you're getting in our customized programs at GNC, we are cheaper every single time. And not only are we cheaper, but we're scientifically proven and we're customized, packed for you. For convenience, you go buy these same things at GNC. Not only are you going to spend more money on it, but you're also going to have to spend hours every single week sorting out all of these bottles of pills and likely creating waste, because most people are not compliant. Anybody who takes vitamins over extended period of time from bottles has their what I call under the cabinet bin, which is a big box full of vitamins that they stop taking because it's too difficult to sort through it all. So, yeah, the delivery system is as innovative as the formulas and the assessment.

Speaker 1:

And let's be real, you can't walk into any store and get what we have. You just can't. You can try, you can try to find something that's similar, but the reality is no one is going to follow the quality control program that we follow. No one is going to go to the links that we go to partner with the world's leading companies in probiotics and digestive enzymes and raw material. It's crazy what we go through, but it's also crazy the results people are getting from what we take. And what's interesting about what ID Life does is not only do we say, hey, here's your recommendation, here's your customized nutrition platform. We also give you a free six to 16 page report that nowhere in there do we recommend an ID Life product. We're like hey, look, by the way, did you know? Here's your diet and lifestyle habits that are helping or hurting your health and contributing to the recommendations that were just made.

Speaker 1:

And by simply making the following modifications or changes, you need less of what was just recommended to you, because, at the end of the day, we have a supplement, we don't have a replacement, and we're trying to educate people and walk them through the process of changing permanently.

Speaker 1:

Again, we always say, hey, we don't want.

Speaker 1:

If you come to ID Life, we don't want this to be your next first day. We want it to be your last first day. We want you to actually start on a journey with our community of like-minded individuals to get you the health and wellness you've always wanted, and by doing so and providing people the information to make informed choices, through how you're made genetically, how your body wants to eat, how your body wants to move, how your body wants to be fed, and understanding your lifestyle choices and how it's impacting your health on a daily basis and may even be contributing to some of the issues and problems that you're dealing with or your family has dealt with for years, which I learned myself, which is a whole nother story. I tell that story during the MTHFR podcast that I did back in the day literally a three-generation family history of heart attacks and heart failure that was directly related to a single genetic marker that could have simply been taken care of with supplementation of one supplement. It's insane, but that's the kind of information.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think you have to pause for a second and appreciate the fact that I want to know how many companies are out there that will tell you that you don't need to take one of their products.

Speaker 1:

We do All the time. We don't even say it, we won't let you buy it. We will actually We'll prevent you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's exactly right. If there's a reason why you shouldn't be taking something, not only will we tell you that, but you can't even buy it from us.

Speaker 1:

We won't let you.

Speaker 2:

We won't let you a people-first mindset that we have at IDLife, that we are always going to put people first in every decision that we make, in every formulation that we sell, and I couldn't be more proud to be a part of this community. This isn't about me or you. It's so much bigger than that and it's bigger than any one person, but we're doing something that is revolutionary one person, but we're doing something that is revolutionary and I'm so proud that I just get to play a small role in it and I'd hope that people that are listening take a minute. Go. Whoever told you to listen to this pod, get with them. Go to the website, take an assessment.

Speaker 2:

It's free right. Maybe get your genetics as well and look at what we're recommending and read the information. It's there for you, even if you're not going to buy it from us. Take the assessment so that you know what you need and what you don't need, because it is going to be eye-opening. I promise you that. But here's one last thing, and I know we're running out of time. I feel like I could talk about this all day long and sometimes still most days. Here's the thing Personalized nutrition is absolutely necessary for you to achieve optimal health, for you to achieve optimal health, end of story. You cannot be your optimal healthy, like you cannot be your best, if you're not supplementing with what your body needs. And that is a fact, and I hope that you guys take a moment to just take the assessment, take a look, see what it says and read it yourself.

Speaker 1:

The best part about this podcast is the ability to provide people that additional resource where they can find information about ID Life. But sometimes we get to talk about a passion project and I can tell you unequivocally that there's two people that have been at ID Life since the beginning of ID Life that's Laura and myself, and ID Nutrition is a big reason why the number of stories, the number of families that have been touched by this, the number of people that have unfortunately tried to make claims that we've had to say, hey, you can't give credit to ID Life for this. Give credit to ID Life for this, because your body can do amazing things when it has the nutrients that it needs, just basically filling your nutritional gaps. And people don't use ID Nutrition without also, at the same time, making a diet and lifestyle modification. So give credit where credit's due. But the reality is, when your body's being fed what it needs and it's getting all of the nutrients that aren't there and, let's be real, the food supply just doesn't supply them anymore it can do some pretty amazing things in putting you on a path to feeling the way you want to feel and, most importantly, getting rid of all those feelings that you don't want to feel anymore.

Speaker 1:

The best part about this is getting people the information so that they can make informed choices and, if for no other reason, just to try, take the assessment. It's free. It's free information and, most importantly, if there's something with a red circle and a line through it, stop taking what you're taking, please, because that does mean that it's harmful. And, in fact, if you want to know why, click on the why button next to that and it'll tell you exactly the answer to that. So, on behalf of myself and Laura Brandt, we can't thank you enough for being here today and, until the next episode of the Healthy, simplified Podcast, we'll see you again soon.