Healthy Simplified

Detox Dynamics: Unlocking Optimal Health Through a Proven System

Mark Bennett

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Ever wondered if your everyday habits are secretly driving you towards a health crisis? Join us on the Healthy, Simplified Podcast as we sit down with Laura Brandt, president of ID Life, to uncover the hidden dangers of toxins and the life-changing benefits of detoxification. Laura shares a powerful analogy that reveals how most people unknowingly edge closer to severe health issues, highlighting the urgency of effective detox programs.

Throughout the episode, we unravel the complexities of detoxification, from understanding the staggering amount of chemicals we encounter daily to the essential roles of our liver, kidneys, and gut in maintaining overall health. Laura and I share personal experiences and useful tips on managing a detox cleanse, emphasizing the importance of persistence through discomfort for optimal results. We also shed light on the story behind ID Life's Detox Box, a product born from the personal health journey of their CEO, which offers a compelling and affordable alternative to pricey detox regimens.

In the final segments, we delve into the three phases of a detox program, tailoring solutions for individuals with unique needs like the MTHFR gene mutation, and the continuous nature of detoxification for sustained health benefits. Tune in to learn how personalized nutrition can be the key to maintaining the progress achieved through detoxification. And don't miss our exciting announcement about returning to the podcast soon, where we'll dig deeper into the world of personalized nutrition and optimal health strategies.
Speaker 1:

Welcome to the podcast everyone. We're back again for the next episode of the Healthy, simplified Podcast. Today, I have, obviously, a special guest that everyone knows, the president of ID Life, ms Laura Brandt, and we are here to talk about one of our favorite topics, which is detoxing that nice, clean thing we call detoxing the body. What's funny, though, is when you say detox, a lot of people think of one thing, but when you really dive into what's really required to help the body detoxify, it's a lot more involved than that. But, laura, I'm glad that we get to do this together, because we don't really do a lot of these types of presentation things in tandem anymore, but thanks for being here.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I'm excited to talk about detox today. It's a thing and I think there's no question, growing in popularity. People are starting to understand better than ever that their body needs to be detoxed in order to function properly, so we're going to get to some good stuff today.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for one of the things that we've been doing in these product specific podcast is explaining what the problem was. In other words, one of the things we've told people is that we have a why behind every product, that we don't just create things to say, hey, we have one of those two. We create it because what's in the marketplace, in our opinion, isn't sufficient, and the way that we justify that opinion is we basically explain what the problem is, where we're coming from and why we decided to do it the way that we did it. So when people understand the why behind it, it's easy for them to compare what Idealife offers versus what the competitors offer. But in some respects, I think what's telling in this particular regard is how our detox box got its start. There's no one really better to tell that story than you, in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I always like to really start with an analogy that people can relate to, and maybe you've seen someone in your life where, all of a sudden, they went from what you thought they were seemingly a healthy person to suddenly they weren't Like it just all went downhill really fast and you're like man, they were so young, no I. And then, bam right, they're hit with something and I like to call that the cliff, and my analogy for the way that that we as humans exist is there's a cliff, it's out there and we're walking towards it every day of our life, some of us faster than others, unfortunately and the reality is, every day we're a little bit closer, we're a little bit closer. And if we're walking faster, faster maybe because we're living a toxic lifestyle, maybe we're trying to be healthy, but we're being exposed to things that we unfortunately just don't have a choice about.

Speaker 2:

And then all of a sudden, you hit the cliff and you fall off of it. Maybe you've seen that happen to somebody, or maybe you feel like you're getting really close to the cliff because you've got alarm bells ringing, or maybe you're just afraid of what you've seen and that this is something that you want to address and that you really want to find a way to slow that walk down a little bit. And that's exactly what I think has led us to this detoxification journey, because a lot of times, when people hit the cliff or they fall off the cliff, as you will, they start looking for answers, and the reality is, a lot of times, the medical world can't explain it right. There are so many diseases that are named something that basically means that we don't know what's wrong with you. We know that you have these symptoms, and so we're going to call it this, but we don't necessarily know why or what to do to reverse or to back away from the cliff, and so that's what's so cool about detoxing. And actually, when our CEO came on board, he was one of those guys. You can imagine being a CEO of very large companies, and I'm sure you can imagine that is true of almost any CEO that's running a massive organization, that they live a very fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle, and the reality of that is oftentimes there are severe consequences for running at that level or that speed for long periods of time, especially maybe if you're traveling a lot or if you don't have the ability or maybe even the knowledge to focus on your health and how to overcome really the pressure that you're putting your body under living in that lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

And he told us a really neat story and he basically told us his path or his journey back to health. And he's always been what I would say is somebody who's been outwardly fit. But what people didn't know about him is that, while he was outwardly fit, he was inwardly going through really significant health challenges and they really got out of control and he couldn't find a solution until he stumbled into someone, specifically a doctor, that was focused in on looking at his whole body, his whole health, and one of the very first things that he did was a detox. Now I think I have to pause here for a second and say it wasn't this detox, it was a detox, and that detox cost thousands of dollars. In fact, he was spending tens of thousands of dollars a year on his health and had been for a long time, when he found ID Live and I think that was what intrigued him so much it was like wow things that I've been spending thousands and thousands of dollars for I can take an assessment and get my vitamin program here. It's all sorted for me, everything's convenient. And so one thing led to another In this conversation, the light bulb moment went off and we went we have got to make a detox that makes something that is nefarious, difficult and costly affordable, something that everyone can do.

Speaker 2:

And so we did. We dug in. We actually spoke to the guy that had taught him how to detox, and we worked through what are the phases right? What would actually support a detox, and a whole body detox at that? And how can we make this so stinking simple that anybody can do it and so affordable that there's no question whether or not they are going to do it once they figure out how amazing this is. And so I love what we were able to do, and here's what I also love that we've made it better and better, and we're not done yet. We are going to continuously grow and improve on our detoxification process. We have right now is incredible, but I know the future is good.

Speaker 1:

I can still remember those conversations. Initially and Josh mentions this wonderful world, the word detox, and obviously the first thing that came to my mind was what I knew about detoxes, which is okay. So are you going to give me some type of herbal tea or some type of compound that's just going to make me go poop for three or four days and all of a sudden, I'm going to detox. Is that the detox we're talking about? Because that's what most people do? Is they give you something that basically starts making you go to the bathroom more and all of a sudden you're like oh, wow, I guess I'm detoxed, I feel better.

Speaker 1:

The reality is, it goes much deeper than that and our program wasn't designed just to flush the colon. It was designed to do something else. But when people are sitting back and they're listening to this, they're like okay, is this something that I should be concerned about? Should I really be worried about detoxing and things like that? The first thing that I tell people is okay, let's go to the stats, let's go to the figures, Because a lot of people don't appreciate or understand what is actually happening to them unconsciously. Now there are things that they don't intentionally do to themselves, but are happening unconsciously and, as a result, they're getting towards that cliff that you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're walking right. They're walking head straight cliff that you're talking about. They're walking right. They're walking head straight towards it and Mark these stats are. It's absolutely staggering the level of toxic exposure that we, especially in America, are facing. Sixty two million Americans are diagnosed with digestive disorders annually. Like right now, this is happening around us.

Speaker 1:

So one fifth of Americans one fifth is dealing with a digestive annually, like right now. This is happening around us. So one-fifth of Americans one-fifth is dealing with a digestive issue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, and maybe most of the listeners on this have had them or are currently having them. And here's another one the average American is exposed to over 700,000 chemicals every single day, and not from what they think, right. You might think chemicals like cleaner or toxic waste, but the reality is it's coming at us from all angles, like, for example, the fact that one in three Americans have detectable levels of herbal pesticide. Guess what? Whether you're using herbal pesticide on your property or not, it doesn't matter. Whether you're using herbalicide on your property or not, it doesn't matter, because when you're walking on a golf course, when you're walking into a place of business, they're using it in their flower beds, they're using it everywhere, and the reality of that is it's getting on your feet.

Speaker 1:

I was about to say it's also in the air.

Speaker 2:

It's happening, it's everywhere, and we are absorbing toxins through our skin. Right, it doesn't matter if you're yes, you can swallow a toxin, and that is one of the ways that we're exposed to them, but 64% are actually absorbed through the skin. So this is happening in the air, getting on our shoes. We're then getting it into our homes. We're surrounded by it, whether we like it or not.

Speaker 1:

And, as a result of that, we are building up toxins in our bodies that they don't know what to do with, right, they just don't know happen to them and they think, oh, it's just happening to me, so I don't want to talk about it. And when you're talking about over 70% of women are dealing with irregular bowel movements, we're talking about going to the bathroom once every three or four days and forget the fact that, hey, if you jump on an airplane and travel somewhere, you have what's called the travel poo buildup thing. I don't even understand that.

Speaker 2:

Y'all got some words for it.

Speaker 1:

This is like a common thing. I travel around the country. I talk to people about hey, when you travel, this happens. The number of heads that nod yes, and all of them are women. I don't know what this is about. It must be a hormonal thing, but something happens. But what's interesting to me is 53 million Americans deal with irregular bowel movements all the time. That's one in six people. But you mentioned something earlier.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say it because I think it needs to be talked about more. I didn't even know that it wasn't normal to only go baby once a day or every other day. I thought I didn't know that was abnormal. I thought that was just the way it was supposed to be. When you get backed up, then you go, and what's so crazy is now, having been on the other side of it, thinking anytime that I go back to that how uncomfortable I am. I was literally walking around miserable and I didn't even know it because I didn't know what it could feel like otherwise to now going two to three times a day, every single day. The difference in how you feel, the difference in your you just you're bloating, how your clothes fit, how you feel your energy levels when you're properly taking in food and getting rid of the waste regularly throughout the day. You just feel better.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that you mentioned a little while ago was that 64% of the toxins we absorb through our skin and I love the did you knows, one of those interesting little facts that adds on to that, or put an exclamation point on that, is that we have over 80,000 chemicals that are used in our everyday life.

Speaker 1:

We have over 80,000 chemicals that are used in our everyday life, from the things that we put our food in, to the shampoos that we use, to the fragrances that we put on our body, to the deodorants, we use 80,000 chemicals and we have only done human testing to determine long-term effect on about 300 of them, so we literally allow things to be put into the stream of commerce and, yes, you, the consumer, are required to prove that they are unsafe before they get taken off.

Speaker 1:

They don't have to prove that they're safe to put them on the market and sell them to you. And it's just. It's asinine that this is the situation that we're in, but our bodies were not designed to deal with this. Actually, they were in the sense that what they do is they wrap them in fat and store them and basically try to protect you from them, but they don't know how to get rid of them and, as a result, you deal with some symptoms and a lot of people, when they see these symptoms, they don't necessarily associate them with toxic overload, things that are happening like digestive issues and we talked about that gas, ibs, loose stool, constipation, bloating.

Speaker 1:

The one thing I hear from a lot of women is, when they started to actually go through the detox process, all of that gas and bloating that they dealt with on a regular basis kind of went away. They just like you, they thought it was a normal thing the physical symptoms, the skin irritations, the hair issues, brittle nails, fatigue. You talk about skin symptoms, the skin irritations, the hair issues brittle nails, fatigue. You're talking about skin, the results that some of our people that have gone through the detox on their skin, and we're talking like massive skin-related issues. That just cleared up, if you think about it.

Speaker 2:

Here's the thing If you're bringing in toxins through your skin, it only makes sense that your skin can get clogged, pores can get clogged. It can create significant skin issues. Right? We also expel through our skin. That's why we sweat.

Speaker 2:

So the reality is, this is a big one for women, and this is something that I know I experienced a great benefit in is just an improvement in my overall skin tone. I've never really had a lot of acne, although I will say that I'm like every other woman, which is I have flare-ups once a month. Magically, they come and they go. But the reality is that these things are really important and some women, and even men, suffer from skin irritation issues, acne, things like that.

Speaker 2:

And what a lot of people don't know is that by detoxifying your body, it can get a lot better, and even we won't talk about medical conditions or diseases specifically, but what I will say is people that have trouble with their skin tend to notice a difference, maybe not the first time they detox, but especially after they detox a few times. They start to really notice improvements there, and I don't necessarily know the science and maybe you do, but it's probably because they're really toxic, right? They've got something that their body's really trying to work through. So it takes a little bit longer for them maybe than the average person, and so sometimes doing repeated detoxes can help it could also be we're going to get into this a little bit later but it also could be genetically related.

Speaker 1:

Some of us have genes that don't allow us to get rid of toxins in an efficient way.

Speaker 1:

But you mentioned something about skin and one of the things that I find interesting, and I've talked to lots of people on this issue. Especially during the summer, like right now in Texas, it can get to one hundred and seven hundred eight degrees and people have what they think is a heat rash. In other words, they have this sun exposure and all of a sudden they have these bumps that pop up all over their skin. What's funny to me is how the heat rashes don't happen as often when somebody is detoxifying their skin for the reason that you explained, which is the reason why you're getting the rash a lot of times is because your body is trying to get rid of toxins, because you're sweating so much, because you're outside, and all of a sudden this irritation pops up. One of the other things that happens to people is they start getting brain fog, confusion, walk into a room, can't remember why they walked into it, but it's also associated directly with high amounts of anxiety and depression. Our brain chemistry is affected by these things.

Speaker 1:

But one of the ones that I always like to tell people that are dealing with high levels of toxicity is when it comes to bad breath. See, most people that are dealing with high levels of toxicity is when it comes to bad breath. See, most people that are dealing with bad breath they think oh okay, this is just something I'm dealing with. I got to get mouthwash, I got to get better toothpaste. Whatever the case may be, I'm going to actually take you down a path of did you nose? See?

Speaker 1:

Our liver basically creates two things it creates urea that's urine in essence and bile, bile. Bile becomes the poo that comes out of the other end. The problem with bile is that when you're clogged up, bile can travel in one of two directions. It can travel down into the gut and eventually becomes your poo, but it can also travel up and a lot of people think, hey, I have heartburn or I have acid reflux, that taste in your mouth is actual bile, acid reflux. And the reality, that taste in your mouth is actual bile. So the bad breath is coming from, basically, you being so clogged up that things are traveling up rather than traveling down.

Speaker 2:

Little known fact that that's just gross, quite frankly. It's disgusting and I could have gone my whole life without knowing it, but no, I'm just kidding. It's really great information. I think a lot of the things that we sell out there for bad breath are are like everything else, but they sell us. It masks it, but it doesn't actually get to the root of it, and that's why I think it's so important the work that we do because we're not trying to mask your bad breath and make it smell better. We're trying to get rid of what's causing it, and that is is where it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I always think people think I always do this on stage. I say, hey, ok, you have chapped lips, what do you need? And people are, oh, I need lip gloss or I need chapstick. So no, you need water. Your body is literally trying to tell you I'm dehydrated. Give me water. People have bad breath. They put them, they put a masker on it. They don't actually get to the root of the problem. So now everyone that's dealing with bad breath is immediately going to be okay. I got to detoxify.

Speaker 2:

I got to get rid of this stuff, exactly, exactly. I think that their reality is that most people don't actually understand the body's filtration system. They don't understand how it works. They generally go okay, I eat something, and then it travels through my intestines, all these things, and then I go to the bathroom or I pee. Those are the things that people know, but that's general, that's so broad.

Speaker 2:

The reality is that there are several organs involved in filtering not only your food to get nutrients out of them, but specifically toxins and what you're being exposed to that your body needs to deal with and get rid of or store. Unfortunately, that's worst case, right? We don't want to store toxins. Unfortunately, a lot of us are, and so I really want us to take a minute and just help me break this down. Now you're going to go into the weeds. I know you are because I know who you are and I love that about you. I love that you really understand this, and then I'm going to do my best to bring it back to the basics and really try to make this as simple as possible for people to understand the body's filtration system. Sure, so basically, there are, in essence, there's the primary filter.

Speaker 1:

That's your liver, and then there's the secondary filters. That's your liver, and then there's the secondary filters. That's your kidney, and I'm going to call it your gut, but really it's the colon. But the colon is connected to the gut, so you have to. All of this is connected, the liver being the primary detoxifier of the body.

Speaker 1:

We all understand this, but what most people don't realize is it controls two very important things in your body your metabolism and cholesterol. Most people don't realize is it controls two very important things in your body your metabolism and cholesterol. In fact, what I tell people is if you're one of those types of people that wakes up every night between 2 am and 4 am, okay, that just happens to be the magic window of time. The reason why you're waking up is because your liver has gone into work mode Instead of recovery mode and basically taking care of things. It's basically kicked up your metabolism. It has to go back to work because it is so overloaded with its function, its job. As a result, you wake up because when your metabolism goes up, you wake up Just part of it, but the other thing that it can do is, if your liver is on overload, metabolism can be slowed down.

Speaker 1:

In other words, your ability to metabolize food slows, which means you can eat the same amount of food and all of a sudden you start to gain weight. I'm sure no one has ever experienced that before. Your liver's acting in a way that it has to. It has to shut down the metabolism so it can filter out all this stuff you're throwing at it. See, because the liver is responsible for over 500 bodily functions. It processes all the blood from the gut and it breaks down all of the waste in your body into bile and urea. But also oh yeah, little known fact it also converts all the sunlight that you're exposed to vitamin D. So if you're dealing with a vitamin D deficiency, there are genetic reasons and other things, but it could also be because your liver isn't operating optimally. Little known fact there. But the liver is your problem.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to break this down to something simple that I think everybody will really appreciate, and it's that if your liver isn't functioning at its best because it's overloaded with toxins, you you're going to have a really hard time losing weight, it's just a fact, you can eat all, even eat.

Speaker 2:

You can try to eat right, all you want. You can try to exercise all day, like five days a week, and you're going to still find that it's incredibly difficult unless you find a way to get rid of the toxins. And guess what? There are ways to do this. There is a lot of science on this and there are ways to detoxify your liver specifically, provide it what it needs to help break down toxins. So I love all the things that you said about the liver, but I think what really matters is why should I care? It's clear I care because it's controlling my metabolism. And then, next to that, cholesterol levels.

Speaker 2:

Talk about one of the other things that we're facing in America at an alarming rate heart attacks. Right, people talk about cholesterol, people talk about heart health and they relate it specifically to what you're eating. Here's the reality. It's not related only to what you eat. It's related to how your body deals with what you're putting in it and your liver controls that. This is a thing. This is again another one of those things where you have high cholesterol. Doctor masks it with medicine. Why not look for the source of high cholesterol and this is a big one, one in?

Speaker 1:

three Americans over the age of 40 is on a statin drug, basically a cholesterol medication, and the side effects of those things are horrendous. In fact, the interesting thing about cholesterol medications is they have what's called a 99 to 1 effective rate, which means 99% of the people get side effects. One person gets the benefit. It's just a weird little stat. You can look that up on Google effects. One person gets the benefit. It's just a weird little stat. You can look that up on Google. You're absolutely right.

Speaker 1:

The detox that we designed was not necessarily designed to help people lose weight, but it's amazing to me how many people actually do, in fact, lose weight when they're on the detox, because it's the starting point, it's the foundation, it's cleaning up, it's giving the body what it needs so it can function optimally. And when the liver can operate optimally, that means it's also going to optimize, oh yeah, your metabolism. The liver is your primary. As I said, the liver breaks things down into one of two things either bile or urea. That's what is getting rid of waste. So when it's bile, okay, that's going to drop that down into your gut.

Speaker 1:

Now, the gut is an interesting thing because, like I said, the colon is ultimately what we need to try to flush out, but it has to go through the small intestine, the large intestine, all that, to get there. The interesting thing about the gut is it wards off our bacteria, our viruses, fungi. It's responsible for our immune system, but it's also responsible for digestion, energy production, hormone balance, skin health and mental health All of those things we talked about earlier. With regard to the hey here's some side effects of being over-toxified and things that are happening. It's all coming from the gut, because it is the brain of our immune system, but it's also the brain of our central nervous system how we respond to things. But again, the last thing it's responsible for is getting rid of bile through the colon and, unfortunately, these wonderful things we call. Some people say oh yeah, that means I got to go. Number two, that colonic contraction. Most people today are only experiencing one every two to three days, when regard to healthy is one to two times per day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to bring this back to the why I think a lot of people they think of a cleanse which we do have a cleanse component to our detox, but the cleanse as being like what you need because you're constipated, because you're uncomfortable, you're backed up, right, the discomfort of that. But here's the reality. There's so much more. When you say things like the fact that the gut is responsible for your hormone balance, again, we're going to go back to. If you're trying to lose weight and your hormones are out of whack, guess what? It's going to be hard, it's going to be really hard. Again, it comes back to it's more than just what you're eating, right, it's about what you're being exposed to.

Speaker 2:

And if these things get back up, like the gut, and it's no longer working right, not only is your hormones going to be out of balance, you're going to feel exhausted all the time. Your energy is going to be in the tanks, and this is a big one, because I think women really struggle with this one mental health. Right, if your gut is not performing, you're likely going to be more anxious, more stressed out, you're going to mentally be fatigued, stressed and just generally not feeling great, and the gut is responsible for those things. So this is a big one and I think people a lot of times don't realize just how important your gut is for what I would call the happy factor, like how happy am I, how much energy do I have, how good do I feel mentally, physically, with energy, throughout my day the gut maybe this is something you really need to look at.

Speaker 1:

What's interesting you say it's how I feel. One of the strongest hormones you have in your body that comes from your gut is serotonin and it controls your mood. Literally is controlling your mood, dopamine is your happy hormone. That comes from your brain, but serotonin the one that will determine what mood you are in. Of course, guys, I'm talking to you right now what mood you are in. It all comes from gut. If the gut's happy, you're happy. If the gut's unhappy, you're probably not in the greatest of moods. It's just a wonderful little thing. And a lot of people say I have this gut feeling. You've heard that before. I have this gut feeling about this. That literally is your body. It is your mood telling you how do I feel about this.

Speaker 1:

The gut is part of the secondary filtration system. The other part of the secondary filtration system is the kidneys, because that is your blood purifier. See, most of what I don't realize is the kidneys will purify about 53 gallons of blood per day. No, you don't have 53 gallons of blood in you. You only have about 1.3 to 1.5 gallons. The kidneys are literally processing and filtering your blood 35 or more times per day and in this process, what it's doing is it's converting any waste that's in your blood into urea, in other words, it's the urine, okay, but at the same time it's regulating your blood pressure and it is also creating and producing the active form of vitamin D. The liver basically helps bring sunlight and creates it or converts it into vitamin D, but the kidneys are the ones that are actually producing the active form of vitamin D for your body. Again, vitamin D being critical for immune health and a lot of other functions of your body, the kidneys play such a big role. But that's your secondary filtration system.

Speaker 2:

The kidneys have always been a little bit of a mystery to me, because the reality is it is it's responsible for doing so many things.

Speaker 2:

Most people just think it's your, it's urine, right, but it's the process of taking things that are right in your blood and actually converting it, in this case, to the vitamin d hormone that your body needs, or deciding that it doesn't need it and you peeing it out.

Speaker 2:

I would like the fact that people equate bad vitamins to it's just going to end up in your toilet bowl, in your pee, and I think that's something. But you have to look at the other side of it too, which is not just if you're taking poor quality things is it going to expel it, but it's also how well is your kidney functioning? And if it's not functioning well because it's backed up, it also will have a hard time getting the good things right, and so it's not. It's like you can't pick and choose which things it's going to be better at. It's either going to be better at expelling waste, it's going to be better at absorbing the things that it does need and it needs to convert. So it's both it's not or it's, and you need to expel bad things, but you also need it to be functioning to absorb and use the good.

Speaker 1:

We took all of this information. We have the liver as the primary function. The gut, the colon and the kidneys are the secondary filtration system and we took a lot of the information that Josh and others had brought to the table. Josh, through a process of elimination of tens of thousands of dollars, spending his own money trying to figure out a process in a program and dealing with a few doctors, and then basically refining it using ID Life's little R&D method that we do, which is we look for the best there possibly is and then challenge ourselves to find another way, and we started down a path of creating what we call our detox box. It was a unique path because we didn't necessarily go out to develop a product. It was more of a process. You want to explain what I mean by that.

Speaker 2:

Mm. Hmm, yeah, we were looking for things that address all three phases, right. That's incredibly important. You can't ignore one of these phases because they're all three so important and synergistic, and I think we should talk a little bit about that and the order of which that you should detox to get the most effect. Of course, we took all that into consideration.

Speaker 2:

But, going back to the very beginning, I want to talk about the experience, because here's what I found it took several products, right, several products, to address all three phases, and it took precision in the time of day that you needed to take. It was like two pages typed of explanations like take this at this time, take these on these days, and it was wow. And I remember going through this process and I remember the groups that we had doing the study with us, testing it with us. A hundred percent of us had trouble. We couldn't get it right. We were just really struggling with remembering which pills which drink, what to take when, and that was when we went okay.

Speaker 2:

This is more than just about the products. It's also about the system. It's about how we take these products, when we take them, in what order, what time of day, how much of it and when you're talking about multiple products being needed over an extended period of time this 30-day window that we're looking to address all three, what we quickly found was we were going to have a bunch of people who were non-compliant. Now, when you say non-compliant, what you think is they're like intentionally not complying, but in reality they're non-compliant. Now, when you say non-compliant, what you think is they're intentionally not complying, but in reality they're non-compliant because they forget, because it's confusing, because it's difficult to do.

Speaker 2:

So just imagine this, and this is what I was thinking about you have all this information you need to detox, you want to support your liver, kidney, your gut, all of these things and you need all these products to do it liver, kidney, your gut, all of these things and you need all these products to do it and you need to know when. But it's more than that. It's complicated, it's difficult and I thought, even for someone that is really well-versed in supplementation, I thought it was next to impossible to do it the right way and to be compliant. And that's what I love so much about this process is it's not just about addressing the three phases with the right things. It's about the simplicity of it. It's about how we package it and make it so simple, where, every single day, you are given what you need when you need it, and packets that are pre-sorted for you, telling you exactly when to take them.

Speaker 1:

So compliance is not an issue, and that's what leads to significant One of the things I can still remember when we first started down this process of creating the phases is one of the glaring misses, if you will, in a lot of what was put on the table was okay, we're flushing things, we're doing things, but what about the restorative component? See, because we have three phases one we call the flush phase, one we call the detoxify phase and one we call the restoration phase. And we didn't have the restoration component because that wasn't part of it. We had to actually create it because, when we got to thinking about it, hey, if we're going to help get rid of this stuff, why wouldn't we feed the body all of the nutrients that it needs to basically fortify itself? So we had to come up with that, that concept better when we're done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's it. I think that's a a big one, and I think we should also talk about the order in which we do it, because this is super important. I think a lot of people might go man, the liver is the master filtration. We need to fix that right away. If, actually, if you don't take care of the gut and the bowel and the kidneys first, what happens? I'm going to talk about that for a second, because in phase one, we flush the kidneys and bowel. Why don't we go straight to the liver? It's because it has to be done in this order and I want you to explain that. The other thing?

Speaker 1:

we obviously, and I'll go right into that. But one of the things I want to make sure you said the 30-day program. I want to make sure people understand it was 30 days, not necessarily because we wanted it to be a 30-day program. It's 30 days because that's what it takes so many companies out there. They're doing a three-day cleanse or a seven-day cleanse and trying to make it short and easy on folks and selling them these big bundles with nice big price tags, and what we wanted to do is basically make people understand hey, if you really want to detoxify your body, it does take time. The body does need supportive nutrients, and we found 30 days to be the perfect time when we were designing the phases.

Speaker 1:

Though you're absolutely right, the liver is your primary filter. Why wouldn't we just dump the filter? The reality is and by dumping I help clean it out when is that stuff going to go? See, if the liver is your primary, and what does it do? It creates urea and bile and dumps those into oh yeah, the colon or the gut and the kidneys. Why would you take a clogged system and dump it into the secondary clogged system? Why wouldn't you clean out your secondary filter first? In other words, give the body what it needs to help flush out the gut and the kidneys. Then, once that happens in phase one, now in phase two, you're ready to. Okay, now we can start flushing the liver because we have a clean filtration system, but we don't stop giving the kidneys and the gut what it needs and the colon what it needs. What we do is we keep fortifying that and building upon it. And then, of course, that's phase two, getting rid of the stuff in the liver. And then in phase three, we go back and say, okay, now we flush the system out, now we have to replenish the gut, and we do that through a phase. Phase one is basically days one through five, days one through five purely focused in on kidneys and the colon. We have a cleanse that's going to help push things out of the colon. I promise you, the cleanse will push things out of the colon. It will work. You will see that the kidneys will flush.

Speaker 1:

One of the things we tell people make sure you're drinking your water. Through this process, it's extremely important. We need 100 ounces of water a day. That is not a recommended minimum. It is literally hey, at least 100 ounces of water.

Speaker 1:

The interesting thing about this, though, in phase one, and one of the complaints we get from people is I just feel like I'm going to the bathroom all the time. Think about this for just one second. Your body gets rid of toxins and pollutants in essence two ways either through the skin, through sweat and expulsion, or through waste, urine and feces. If you're going to the bathroom a lot, that means your body is getting rid of a lot of stuff it doesn't need, ie toxins, pollutants and other things. You want to go to the bathroom a lot. You want to get rid of this stuff. The fact that you're not going to the bathroom on a regular basis, on every day, tells me that your body isn't getting rid of things the way that it should. Tells me that your body isn't getting rid of things the way that it should. So when you're going through this process and you're going to the bathroom a lot, change the mindset and literally start thinking about okay, I'm getting rid of all the things I don't need.

Speaker 2:

So let's, we're perfectly fine with this, yeah exactly and drink your water, drink your water. And I do want to pause here for a second because I do want to talk about the cleanse that we use in week one, and I want to talk about the fact that the way we designed the program is for that person who, the very first time they go through a detox, it's designed to be effective and it is effective.

Speaker 2:

But there are some things, some slight tweaks people can make to improve their comfort level if it's necessary, or maybe if they're repeat detoxers, maybe they don't need all five cleanse sticks in that first week. And so I just want to take a second and tell people what I do, now that I've done detoxes regularly. I will say, the very first time I took all five in a row. I did that very intentionally and yes, like Mark said, I was in the restroom a lot, but I expected it and I was happy about it because the effects afterwards were worth the discomfort for that week. But now I don't necessarily have to do it that way. And for people who maybe are smaller or whose gut isn't as backed up as mine was because I'm just going to be honest, mine was I mean, you're only going every two or three days.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty obvious you're backed up. If you don't have that problem, there are other things you can do and other ways that you can really make sure that you're flushing your bowel and maybe not going through that first week of discomfort like some people might when they're running to the bathroom, and that's this. So what I do when I'm sort of detox is I take the first two days. I take a cleanse six, day one and day two and then I save the other three for their first day or maybe second day. It doesn't have to be the first day of each week following. So basically the way that works out is there's five sticks and I use all five Two in the first week, one in the second, one in the third, one in the fourth. That's a total of five and I have found that I'm incredibly comfortable going.

Speaker 2:

I really don't have anything to complain about with that and it's an enjoyable experience and the benefits are really great. Now, if I found myself really backed up, I may try to do two or three sticks. Right, it really just depends. But I do want people to know that there is flexibility in the cleanse. There's really not flexibility in the pills and which pills. You really should take those as directed. But the cleanse, you can modify it or adjust it slightly to fit.

Speaker 1:

And the other modification that you can make and some people do this, especially smaller men and smaller women you can take a half a stick. Just use half of it. If that's in fact, all you need to get things moving and going, you have that option as well if you want to do that. But one of the other things that can happen in phase one and we love being very transparent with people is there's this wonderful anomaly that some people will experience. We call it the detox flu, if you will. In other words, you feel a little off at first, and the reason why that is because when you're built up with a lot of toxins and pollutants and you're releasing these things through, the body may not feel all that good.

Speaker 1:

What I will tell you is, if you can push through and get through to day seven, day eight, day nine, it's funny how you feel so much better on the other side. But there are a lot of people that experience that in the first and they're like oh, this obviously is not right for me. I can tell you that usually happens only in the first time. You do detox. After you've done it once, it goes away and you don't experience that again. But I do like to give people the heads up on that one, because it is something that people do experience, not a large percentage, I'd say like one to two percent of people, but it does happen the same thing is true.

Speaker 2:

Maybe if you're a really small person or you have a very delicate, you can also do half a stick, and I know some people that do a half a stick and and it works really well for them. And again, we are all unique and it is okay to make some slight modifications for that. So just be aware of that. If you're out there and you're getting ready to do a detox, I would recommend taking a full stick that first day and then making a decision for yourself whether or not maybe the next day you need a half a stick or kind of where you're going to go.

Speaker 1:

After day five you enter into what we call phase two. Phase two is actually days six through 20. So, yeah, phase one is only five days, one through five. Phase two is six through 20. Phase two is where we start detoxifying the liver and continuing to build on phase one, where we were flushing the kidneys and the bowel. But one of the things that we introduce in this phase is not only the liver detox pill but also the microbiome defense pill. Microbiome defense is something that we created here at ID Life. It is a proprietary formula for ID Life. It is an amazing formulation that helps the body remove yeast and oh yeah, parasites.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I say parasites, people are like hold on a second. What do you mean? You mean those little worm things and stuff. You would be shocked that of how many people in America actually are walking around with parasites. Especially people that travel a lot, especially to Mexico, south America, walk on the beach a lot yes, they can actually burrow through your skin and get in the food. Especially people that are what I would call crunchy eaters. They do a lot of the raw vegetables and raw fruit type stuff, a lot of little hidden larva and stuff in those things. So let's talk.

Speaker 2:

It's a little bit interesting for me, right? Because I think that, especially when you start to enter this phase, if you do in fact have parasites, I just want you to be prepared that it's going to stir some things up, because in order to kill and get rid of the parasite, you've got to wake it up. You're aggravating it. It's not happy that you're putting microbiome defense into your gut. I promise you that. And so a lot of people do notice a discomfort during this phase, especially if they have a parasite, and that is to be expected.

Speaker 2:

And what I would say is the most important thing is that you complete the phase right, that you take the microbiome defense every single day. If you're one of those people that you, all of a sudden you hit this microbiome defense and you're feeling that stirring in your gut, that discomfort, that you need this pill more than anyone, and make sure that you complete it, because you're stirring up it. You're really what you're doing is you're making that that parasite angry and then you're killing it, but you can't kill it on the first day. So that's important to know. Make sure that and I always tell people I think you said this earlier, mark which is, change the way you're looking at it. You should be thinking if that's you, oh my gosh, this is such a good thing. I'm so glad that I'm addressing this, because on the other side of it, you're going to feel so much better.

Speaker 1:

The one thing I will say is contrary to your desire to do. If you're checking your poo and all of a sudden you see something in it that looks like a worm or something, please don't take a picture and send it and say, hey, is this normal? Don't do that.

Speaker 2:

It's don't do that Don't do it. A description's fine.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because when we had when we had, uh, our test group this goes way back years ago, when we first started doing this we got a few pictures and I'm just gonna say I don't want a picture I don't care, though I will tell you the one thing that is very normal for people when we talk about because the thing about myself as I'll talk about anything and I'll drag Laura along with me to have these conversations when a lot of people are looking at their feces, and some people do this, is not an abnormal thing. You have what I would call one of four types. You have what I'm going to call the rabbit. It's basically, you have these little bitty balls that just come. That's not normal, by the way. That's not something that should happen, but it does because of digestive issues.

Speaker 1:

You have the explosion, which takes care of itself. You know what I'm talking about there. You have the one that looks like torn up paper. In other words, it's just ripped and shreds and it just doesn't look like there's any formation to it. And then you have the single log. People, just so you know, single log is what we're shooting for everybody. That single log, that thing that just looks like, hey, it's done. That is exactly a healthy bowel movement. That's what the body is supposed to do. What's interesting to me, when people are going through these phases, they're like, hey, I used to go to the bathroom and I would sit there for five, 10 minutes to get everything taken care of, and now it's like I sit down and I'm done in 30 seconds. Is that normal? The answer is yes. That's actually what normal feels like, and people do start to experience that. So something else to keep your eye on during phase two is you're going to notice how much of a healthier bowel movement that you actually have.

Speaker 2:

So is that why men tend to not be as backed up as women, because they're willing to sit in the bathroom for as long as we call that tick tock, we call that tick tock.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly why we're in the bathroom forever again, I'm just curious.

Speaker 2:

I was just curious. So women were too busy to sit in the bathroom forever, so we just get backed up.

Speaker 1:

But men they're willing to wait it out. We will take as long as it takes, and sometimes it's just. You know what? We just we just got to get away. Y'all have cows on, we have the restroom, so it's fine, we're all good.

Speaker 2:

Gosh. I want to talk a little bit about the final phase, this base 21, 330, coming down the home stretch, right, we've. We have cleansed our gut and colon, and that part was fun. We've helped restore our kidney. We've cleansed our liver as well, so now we've killed parasites. All this great stuff has happened and we get into. What I think is one of the most important phases is now that we've cleansed it.

Speaker 2:

We've got to build a backup, and we do that better than anyone that I know. In fact, we use a patented formula and I know you've got all the science to say about this one, but I think it's worth taking a pause and talking about this patented formula, because man does it work. It's incredible, it's called Bacillus Subtilis.

Speaker 1:

The patented component of it is what's called OptiBiome. It is our gut health formula. It's what's called optobiome it is our gut health formula. The reason why that is so important is because bacillus subtilis has been shown scientifically to be an extremely important postbiotic in the gut. It's basically the prebiotic component of it, and then there's a postbiotic that we add to it, but you can't actually find it in our food supply anymore. See, it's something that was shown to be very important for gut health and the detoxification function of the gut, but you couldn't find it in the food supply. In fact, core biome, which is the postbiotic component, is the only available. You can't find another one globally that has been clinically substantiated to be bioavailable in the colon. In other words, it's feeding the colon exactly what it needs, so that you have a healthy colon. And that's why we use it is because, remember when we started down, this process is look, if we're going to flush these systems, why don't we feed them so that we can restore them at the end, and that became extremely important.

Speaker 1:

Now I will tell you all of these phases. So, phase one days one through five. Phase two, six through 20, and then this last phase 21 through 30, where we're restoring the gut, you don't taper off the amount of water that you're taking. You continue to drink at least what we call it a gallon of water a day. I'm really telling you it's closer to 100 ounces, but what you really want to do is you want to be drinking that as a minimum because again you want to flush this stuff out, you want to get everything out of your system. Again, detox flu is a thing, but phase three to me is the fun phase because the amount of benefits that people start to experience. You start experiencing benefits immediately in phase one and phase two, but phase three things really you can tell a difference.

Speaker 2:

I agree, and I want to pause for just half a second, and I want to say something in regards to your statement on the bioavailability in the colon, because that those are big words. Bioavailability in the colon, what does that even mean? Here's what it means. It means that you're taking something. It has to go through your stomach, all that stomach acid. It has to survive it and make its way into the colon to then do its job on the way out. So getting it into your stomach isn't enough. You have to get it into your colon. And that's what Mark just said, that this is multi-patented medicine and it is clinically proven, meaning that they've actually tested it. They can tell you, without a doubt it is making its way into the colon and is then bioavailable to do its job, to be there, to be present, to help the colon do what it needs to do. So this is a big one, and I want to make sure that you guys know that we did our research and this stuff. It actually works and it works so well that we head right on into the benefits, because this is really what you're after.

Speaker 2:

You want to feel good. Most people that do a detox are doing it because they don't feel good, and I just want to take a minute here because we still have some other things to discuss. I want to talk about what you guys are going to experience, because they're pretty radical. Number one during the first phase, I think it's obvious right Healthy digestive function. After you get through that first phase, you start to go more regularly and, ladies, maybe you got used to only going every two or three days. I promise you you're going to grow to love going once or twice a day, even though it takes time out of your day. You're going to enjoy that. And then I think what you're also going to enjoy more than anything is that lighter feeling. Clothes are fitting better. You're not having that gassy, bloated sensation towards the end and into that second week.

Speaker 2:

And then increased energy. This is a big one. You're going to have more energy once you finish this first week and I love that. And I think that it's perfect timing because you need that energy to get through phase two. And that's where I think the magic starts to really happen, because as you complete phase two, you start to decrease your cravings, and this is important. Here's the thing. I didn't understand this about cravings, but really when you're craving bad things. Sugar is probably the number one thing that most of us crave, or carbs, right. The reality is that you're craving sugar because you have all these bad things growing in your gut that need to feed on sugar to survive.

Speaker 1:

How about parasites? Most people don't realize parasites they love sugar.

Speaker 2:

They do so. It's both right. All these bad things they need to feed on sugar. And so it's not you craving sugar, it's these parasites and the stuff in your gut that needs it to live, and it's like give me feed me sugar. And so it's not you craving sugar, it's these parasites and this stuff in your gut that needs it to live, and it's like give me feed me sugar.

Speaker 2:

What's so great about finishing phase two is that those cravings start to diminish and go away, to allow you to make a good decision not to consume sugar, because they're not yelling and screaming all the time anymore. And so then again, I wonder why people lose weight going through the detox. It's not because this is a weight loss product. It's because of all these ancillary benefits that you're getting Going to the bathroom regularly, you start to have decreased cravings Again, further reduction in bloating and gassiness. You're sleeping better than ever.

Speaker 2:

This one's huge, I think most people, as they finish phase two, that's one of the things that they really start to notice is just how much more restorative their sleep is when they're not waking up between two and four, how much better they feel when their kidneys and liver are able to do their jobs and detoxify you during the evening. You just wake up feeling better. And then also this one for me this is a big one being in teacher or positive I know we haven't talked about that yet, but we probably should. Brain fog, right, focus and concentration throughout the day those things are important and this one is a big one. This is why I detox regularly, because it helps me improve my focus and concentration. So those are all important. And then phase three this is when I think you're coming down the home stretch and you start to really get that glow, and that is improved mood and temperament. You're just in a better mood, right. You have more consistent energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have a happy gut.

Speaker 2:

Your breath starts to get better and improve skin tone and texture. Right, you start to have that improved skin tone and texture. So, like I said, phase three is when you get that glow and it starts to get better and better. So I love it. I love the benefits of the detox box, phase by phase, and I'm so thankful that we have an incredible product that makes this possible for people, because the reality is there's nothing else like it on the market that's comprehensive, like this. We've looked it doesn't exist, and so I love that we're able to provide this for people. But that leads us into our next topic, mark, which is detox box versus other solution. Let's talk about that.

Speaker 1:

You said something about phase three that I need to make sure I address here, which is usually people start feeling so great in phase three. We always get the same question and I'm a big believer in let's answer the question now which is hey, can I do another detox immediately or do I have to wait? Yeah, you can. You actually can do the detox again. It's part of the process, if you want to, and the reason why people feel so amazing, unlike when they do.

Speaker 1:

What other solutions of detox are out there and what's interesting about a lot of the detoxes that are out there and I think I introed this and I may have ruined this section a little bit when I was talking about the beginning there's everything from herbal teas to, let's just call it, a fiber supplement that basically does nothing but help push bile out of your system, to you name it. And then there's some things out there that, to be frank, I don't even know what they are. One of the things you'll notice is, in our detox system, we're really focusing on toxin pollutants, things like that, but we don't really have anything in our system that addresses what I'm going to call specific heavy metal type toxicity related issues, and I'm going to tell you why here, because this is important. I want you to listen to me. There's a lot of people out there. There's a lot of companies out there that are trying to focus in on heavy metals specifically.

Speaker 1:

Now, our detox will take care of some of those things, but there are some extremely specific heavy metals that require very specific types of I'm going to call them supplements. Some of them are actually pharmaceutical that would require some form of some type of doctor oversight, with blood testing and everything else. If you are literally trying to go through one of these types of things and doctor is not involved or blood testing is not involved, be very careful, because there are things out there that can be more harmful than beneficial and if you don't have somebody that really knows what they're doing, that can be dangerous. So I want to make sure I address that, because we always at ID Life want to do things that are safe, things that have scientific support, and because we always at ID Life want to do things that are safe, things that have scientific support, and when we looked at that particular issue, when you start talking about the black charcoals and all the things like that, that requires some very special oversight type stuff.

Speaker 2:

So just FYI speaking of, science.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that we love to do here is not only do we tell you the phases and everything else, but we actually tell you what's in every single pill and then provide you the science to back up what's happening and why we say what we say with regard to that. So we provide all of that information. This was an expert designed process. Now I want to make sure I explain this. The process of phase one, phase two, phase three was expertly designed. All of the formulations, though, for the different phases our liver detox, our kidney detox, our microbiome defense, our gut health formula all of those are proprietary to ID Life. You can't find those other places. These are things that were basically are indeed here at ID Life, and the reason why is because what was available on the market just simply didn't meet our standards, so we wanted to actually go out and create something completely different. The other thing is we are focused on your long-term health. Again, we mentioned, this is a 30-day program, not a three, five, seven-day quick fix type thing to make you feel like something's happening. We wanted to actually put you through a process that was going to make you feel much better at the end. But again, hey, you may not feel amazing at the beginning. And then, of course, the other thing is we have a personalized approach to detoxification. We literally do in combination with other things that we provide.

Speaker 1:

Give you that personalized aspect of things, because when we talk about personalization, one of the issues that comes up is lifestyle components of things. See, there's a lot of people that have a certain diet or lifestyle that exposes them to more toxins than others. There are certain people that have genetic markers that make them more susceptible to things rather than others. In fact, one of the most diagnosed things that is starting to happen to a lot of people, or is becoming more prevalent people are hearing about it's what we call non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Okay, this is a diagnosis that a lot of people are starting to hear.

Speaker 1:

One of the leading causes of this is how the liver is actually designed to work. See, when you're putting a lot of toxins and pollutants into your body and again, 64% of them are digested through the skin, so it's not something you're doing intentionally your body, or your liver, specifically when it can't deal with the overload, will literally wrap something in fat and hold on to it until it has time later to basically get rid of these things. So it's basically the protection mechanism if you will. And when that builds up over time, you end up with a fatty liver and obviously that is bad because of all the downsides to things. The other part is something that Laura mentioned a minute ago which I know is near and dear to her heart. It's most definitely near and dear to mine because I'm compound heterozygous. We both happen to have the MTHFR gene. Oh boy, do you want to give the Reader's Digest version of this? And then I can dive deep into the science of MTHFR and why the detox is so important to people like us.

Speaker 2:

First I want to do a little plug, because we don't have time in this podcast to cover MTHFR as a whole. If you don't know what MTHFR is, I highly suggest you listen to the podcast on MTHFR, where Mark and I break that down and really try to help people understand what it is. But for those of you who know what MTHFR is and know that you have it, you should also know that you should be detoxing regularly, something that Mark and I both do regularly because basically and I'm going to say this in the most basic way possible your detoxifier is broken, it is malfunctioned, it is worse than everybody else's, and the problem with that is that we are literally I'm just going to say it being poisoned with the food that we eat, because our body cannot break it down. It actually is a toxin to us, and that's folic acid. It's in everything almost.

Speaker 2:

Go to the grocery store. Try to find something in the middle aisles cereal, bread, pasta that doesn't have folic acid in it. Good luck, unless you're at Whole Foods, it's going to be really hard. I will say grocery stores are getting better. They're starting to carry a few brands that don't have folic acid, but there's only one or two. It's very small and you have to search for them. And so we're literally being poisoned with the food that we're eating, and our body just cannot get rid of it. And so what does it do? It stores it and it is floating around and it is literally wreaking havoc on our bodies. And here's what's so cool Our detox helps the body process it get rid of it and detoxify it.

Speaker 2:

And so if you have empty Jafar, here's what I'm going to tell you the detox isn't a maybe, it's a must. That's my opinion. You should be doing a detox. You should be doing it regularly, at least quarterly at a minimum, because it doesn't matter how good you are, you eat fruits and vegetables, protein, you're exercising, you're getting folic acid. Are you eating at a restaurant, promise you, the food they're serving you has folic acid in it and you need to be detoxifying yourself. So I'm going to get off my soapbox and let Mark, let you, dig into a little bit of the science, specifically on how the detox helps support that and then why it podcast that we ever did was on MTHFR it was the very first thing.

Speaker 1:

There was no doubt. That's exactly what we were going to start this thing on and still, to this day, it is the most downloaded podcast we have, because it's the one thing that.

Speaker 2:

But 50% of the population suffering from it. I mean I'd say 50,. You know the stats out there say 40 something. But reality is we do a DNA test and we know and we have a lot of doctors out there that are doing genetic testing on folks and they have as high as 80 to 90 percent of their patients are coming back MTHFR.

Speaker 2:

Now, a lot of that is because people are dealing with commonalities of issues when they're going to see a particular type of doctor, and sure enough when they're going to see a particular type of doctor, and sure enough so they're seeking help because they are MTHFR positive, which is likely why those practices have a higher amount. But still, you're right. The reality is, if you've got these issues, there's a good chance that you may have. You may have Correct.

Speaker 1:

Laura mentioned, the folic acid component in folic acid is, let's be real, it's not a toxic thing for people that don't have MTHFR, but for people that do, it is basically a toxin. But the reality of people that have MTHFR, it's not just folic acid that becomes the issue, it's everything. See, it's basically controlling what we call our methylation function, our body's ability to detoxify. Literally, that's one of the 200 plus things that MTHFR controls. But the ability to get rid of toxins and pollutants is a big part of that. Also, its ability to get rid of biological waste. Yes, our bodies all have biological waste, dead, dying cells that are no longer useful that we need to get rid of. And because of an inhibited methylation function, you don't get to go there. I'm compound heterozygous, which means I have markers on both of the genes, which means 80 to 90% of my body's natural ability to get rid of things doesn't exist. So this detox box isn't for me, a quarterly thing. This isn't something I do every now and then. This is something I have to do on a regular basis because my body needs the extra support. Again, if you want to know more about MTHFR, I highly recommend you go jump into that other podcast and learn all about it. But just know that detoxing for you if you have MTHFR isn't a maybe, it's a must, and how often you do it can really depend on how severe you have the condition.

Speaker 1:

I was in a really bad situation because I didn't know about MTHFR.

Speaker 1:

I didn't learn about MTHFR until about 10 years ago and the detox is only a few years old, so it's one of those things. I had built up a lot of stuff over a long period of time and my body was basically screaming for support and help and this has been a godsend for me. But, laura, I want to address some myths and misconceptions about detox, because I think when you talk about we've talked about the detox teas, we've talked about the colon cleansing, the importance to holistic approaches and things of that nature but why do I still have this issue or that issue or these problems? And the main thing that we try to educate people in this 30-day program is hey, look, the detox is helping get rid of the toxins and pollutants, but now your body is primed to actually take in the proper nutrients and that's where the other things that ID Life does, like ID Nutrition and things like that, actually come in. And it's funny how those things start to work so much better at the back end of a detox.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so very true. The reality and I think this is something that needs to be said about ID, life and our community we don't believe in magic lotions, potions, gimmicks, right, because they don't work. We don't preach, we don't try to sell people. You're going to take this and, magically, all these things are going to. That's just not how it works. Here are the facts and I'm going to lay it on you Like I'm going to be as direct as I can possibly be.

Speaker 2:

It took you years to get to this point. What makes you think 30 days is going to unwind all of it. If that's your expectation of any product or anything, you're going to be disappointed, because if it took you years to get to the state that you're in today and it's a bad one it's going to take time to wind out of it. There are no magical potions that change that. That's a reality, and so this is a process. Yes, we help your body by supporting its natural processes, and what will happen is they're going to be functioning better than they were when we got to them with the detox afterwards. But you may need more than one or you may need to do it regularly and, most importantly, you can't just take a detox and expect that everything else is gonna work magically.

Speaker 2:

There are other things that you should be doing, right. You should be working out. If you're not working out, you should be right. You know that you should be getting sun exposure regularly. Naturally, there are things that you should be doing, like drinking water. How often do we hear Mark people say that they don't drink water because they don't like it? You do. We hear Mark people say that they don't drink water because they don't like it. You should be drinking water, and if you're not drinking water, then you're just going to keep finding yourself running right up to that cliff over and over again.

Speaker 2:

And so this isn't magic. It's proven, it's science. It will make you better, it will help you, but it won't magically fix everything. It's a process, and you need to be supporting your processes with good nutrition, and I think that's something that needs to be said. When you finish your detox, what's next? What are you going to do to change the future trajectory of your health? Detoxing is a great first step, but then what? That's what you should be asking yourself is what are you going to do afterwards? How are you going to continue to support your body systems to do what it was designed to do, and if you're not doing so in a personalized approach and when I say personalized, I don't mean targeted a group of people like you what I mean is precision, personalized for you, backed by science, and that's what we do here at On your.

Speaker 2:

Life. Yes, a detox is a great place to start, but I highly encourage you, if you've just finished a detox or you're about to start a detox, to already start planning on what you're going to do afterwards to support your body so that it can perform.

Speaker 1:

Little known fact and I love this to me would be like the perfect trivia question for a party fact and I love this to me would be like the perfect trivia question for a party. What's the one thing that is both the number one weight loss thing that you can do. That is also the number one thing you can do for the health of your skin? And the answer is the same Drink more water, drink water. It's amazing how water actually can help you both lose weight and have your skin glowing, and it really is that simple. And most people do say, yeah, I don't drink water, and they say because I don't like the taste. I said no, you drink water because it has no taste and you like the taste of things, so it's.

Speaker 2:

I think people are always surprised by mine and your answer to that question. When somebody is like okay, what do you have that's going to help me lose weight, somebody's like okay, what do you have that's going to help me lose weight? I'm like how much sleep are you getting? How much sleep are you getting? And then they're like look, we have incredible products, but if you're not drinking water and you're not getting sleep, yeah, there's nothing out there.

Speaker 2:

Go talk to the pharmaceutical companies, I guess, because that's your only chance. So start somewhere. Yeah, maybe in the beginning drinking water is daunting, but just set a goal, start. Drinking water is daunting, but just set a goal, start somewhere. I will say that for me wasn't a huge water drinker years ago and I just started somewhere and now it's become a part of my day. Now I just have triggers that remind me, get my water in and things throughout the day set as like a catch. If I forget to drink water because I'm busy which, I'll be honest, happens often I have a trigger that reminds me I need to drink some water and go refill my cup water because I'm busy which, I'll be honest, happens often I have a trigger that reminds me I need to drink some water and go refill my cup so that I'm ready to drink more. Those things are really important. And, yes, those things are free. Right, a lot free. You do have to pay for water, but it's available to everyone here in the.

Speaker 2:

United States, it's abundantly available and sleeping, allowing your body to rest again, free right. Yes, we have incredible products that support sleep. Our sleep strips are amazing if you have trouble going to sleep, and that's your problem. For a lot of people, though, it's not the fact that they don't, that they couldn't sleep well. It's that they're not creating an environment in which they could sleep well. They're looking their phones, they're watching TV, and those things keep you awake. And make some adjustments. Start learning how to get sleep and make sure that you're getting enough of it.

Speaker 1:

Laura, before we wrap things up, I wanted to at least give you a chance to have the last word of anything that you know. You feel like, hey, I just want to make sure people get this, they understand this, I want to make sure they heard this, or if you just want to recap anything, then I'll put an end to this wonderful detox program conversation that we've had, because I've really enjoyed it today.

Speaker 2:

It has been fun. It has been fun. Sometimes I feel a little bit preachy and I'm sorry if you feel like you were breached out, but really that wasn't my intention at all, because here's what I want my parting words to be For those of you who are out there and you're struggling like I was. You're struggling and you don't know where to start. Here's the reality Start small, do something sustainable. Maybe it is just drinking more water, right For you, maybe it is getting more sleep, and for a lot of you, maybe it is the detox box, because you know that you're struggling with a lot of these things. Here's the thing Set a small goal and then complete it. Look for sustainable things.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a big one, because people look for magic, quick fixes and then, when they don't work, they move on to the next thing. And that's what I love about what we do here at ID Life and what our community is all about. It's about making sustainable lifestyle changes. This isn't about being radically like fix everything all at once. That won't work. You cannot fix everything all at once. You just can't do it.

Speaker 2:

What you can do is start small and then build on it repeatedly over time. Look for things that fit your lifestyle, fit your budget, that help you make small incremental changes that you can live with, and you will be better for it month after month and year after year, and I hope that we can be a part of your journey. We have got an incredible community here to support you like none other out there in the nation, in the world. I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of this community. We're here to help. We want to love on you and help you grow and become better over time with us here at Ideal. So we love you. Thank you for listening today, laura.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you being on with me today. You always add that little bit of what I'm going to call humble flair to the conversation. You also have a way of taking my science and making it very simple to understand. But I want to build on what you said, because one of the questions we get a lot of times at ID Life is OK, you have an overwhelming product array of things. Where do I start?

Speaker 1:

And the answer could be as simple as hey, let's start with a detox, let's get your body primed and ready to go. Or hey, if you want to start a journey of this being not your next first day but your last first day, let's build the foundation by basically cleaning out the systems and now, as you're going through the detox, to build on what Laura's told you, what's going to be day 31? What are you going to do on day 31? Do you want to understand your genetics? Do you want to understand if you're MTHFR positive? Do you want to understand what customized nutrition is or help with sleep or any of the other things? Or hey, do you just want to be a part of a community of like-minded people that support one another, that cheer and basically award one another for the accomplishments that they achieve.

Speaker 1:

And when we say accomplishments, we're not talking about hey, I've lost 100 pounds. No, it could be hey, I lost three pounds this month. You know what Congratulations. That's amazing, because if you do that every month for a year, guess what? You've lost 36 pounds. It's amazing how people are looking for the quick fix, as Laura was talking about, and the reality is, ideal Life isn't about quick fixes. Ideal Life is about changing of your diet and your lifestyle for a lifetime to give you real results that are going to be sustainable over long periods of time. The detox is just that. If you look into it and you actually see the science that's behind it and you see the community of people that are getting benefits from it, you're going to better understand who ideal life is, more importantly, why ideal life exists.

Speaker 2:

So, on behalf of myself, before you close hold on, I do want to put in a plug, because you've already invited me back, so now I'm coming back. So if you enjoyed today's podcast, mark Mark and I will be back very soon and we're going to be talking about what we think should be everybody's next step following detox, which is getting yourself on personalized nutrition and what that is all about.

Speaker 1:

So yes, we'll be back, so until next time. This is Mark Bennett and Laura Brandt, on behalf of ID Life. Thanks for being here. We'll talk again real soon.