Healthy Simplified

Beyond Fitness: Jessica Loftis's Mission to Empower Women

Mark Bennett

Welcome to the Healthy Simplified Podcast, everyone. This is Mark Bennett on behalf of BodyLife. Today I have with me a very special guest, Ms. Jessica Loftus. You are going to hear some very special, uh, you know, uh, you're gonna have a very special story about Jessica and how fitness basically her, her life and fitness has evolved over time into an opportunity to help a lot of women. That had issues or struggles with image issues and things of that nature and how she's empowered women. And then along the way, uh, got introduced to, you know, the world of supplementation and how that enhanced the results that she was seeing from folks. But most importantly, how creative she has been in her own world and universe and how small that universe can be, but how big of an impact it can have in the world. So I can't wait to Get to know miss Jessica loft is a little bit better. Jessica. Welcome to the podcast. Well, thanks for having me, Mark. I really appreciate you. And I'm excited to, um, dive into some things today. So thanks for having me. Yeah. So why don't we start off with something super simple? Cause I know how important it is to you. Why don't we just, you know, hear about your family and a little bit about your background. Um, I am 35 years old. I've been a personal trainer for about 16 years now. So I've been in the game for quite some time. I'm also a nutritionist, genetic specialist mother to a nine year old, almost nine year old little girl who's busy in sports and all the things I've been with my husband for. Oh, gosh, I think about 15 years now, and we actually, um, are both originally from California and now reside in Oklahoma. We, we met on the rodeo team at our very first junior college, and then rodeo took us out to Oklahoma. We just liked it here and stayed, and then through that process, I got to health and fitness, uh, while I was in college. And just really loved it. And then it's funny, cause I graduated college and I was like, you know, I really don't want to give this health and fitness thing up. So just kind of kept that going. It's been, it's been quite a journey, but I love it. Wow. There, there is so much to unpack there. I mean, from California to rodeo in California, which, Hey, as somebody who's, you know, fifth generation Texan, you hear rodeo, it's okay. It's Texas, it's Oklahoma, maybe Louisiana. And we stopped. There's some other places, but that's it, you know, maybe Montana and things like that, but that doesn't, that's where it stops. But California and then from California to Oklahoma, but not just Oklahoma, you're, you're like in Oklahoma. I mean, you're, you're out there in the sticks. Yeah, I'm definitely, I'm straight up in a field. I have more cows as neighbors than people. So when I say Oklahoma, we are in the center of Oklahoma. Well, you know, uh, you, you said you've been in fitness a long time, obviously, you know, uh, 16 plus years is, I mean, it's, that's, that's a lot, but how did you get into fitness? Where, where did you get the bug? How, how did you, how did that start for you? Honestly, it started when I was really probably in like middle school, high school. Um, I grew up playing the less. Perfectly basketball, volleyball, softball. I've just always really love sports. And I've been, um, I competed in rodeo since I was like four. So being an athlete was kind of just what I've always done. And I quickly realized that if I wanted to better as an athlete and really be able to Compete and be the starter and things like that, that I needed to take, um, the fitness side of things seriously. So I really started getting into that when I was about in middle school. And then as well into high school and just kind of transitioned through college, it just kind of became that, that avenue to help me become a more well rounded athlete. And then eventually just really fell in love with the lifestyle component of that. And then just realizing that it really is so important to just living a quality life. So it just kind of stuck with it. So obviously if you're going to dedicate your life to fitness, uh, but most importantly, dedicate your life to actually getting a career in the fitness industry, you have to love people. You have to love helping people. First, you know, you help yourself, you figure some things out. You're like, Oh man, this, this, I actually got some information here. I'd love to share it. What gave you that bug to just want to help people in the fitness space? Because obviously there's a lot of people out there that are confused. Right, right. Absolutely. Honestly, it kind of just started happening. It's funny because when I was in college, I just loved health and fitness. I'm like, man, this could be like a career. I love helping people. I love seeing people win. And, um, it's just something I kind of started doing on the side. When I was in college, because somebody actually approached me and asked me if I wanted to kind of looking to start training in group fitness. And so I decided, you know, what the heck, why not? So once I actually got into the realm of doing that, I realized how big of an impact it had on other people's lives. You know, and how much people really do struggle with getting on a health and fitness journey and how much they really sometimes need that support in order to actually have success. So that was one of the reasons why I actually decided to transition into the health career side, the health and fitness career side, because one, I was approached to, you know, potentially start teaching group fitness. And then once I actually kind of got into the groove of that, I realized how much I truly valued helping people. And. It's crazy how much your health and fitness really plays a role in all aspects of your life. It's, it's awesome to see people feel more confident to go get, you know, go for that, um, promotion or do something they'd never done before or get off medications and just become a better parent, a better spouse. It really is such a center point of a better quality life. And I just loved being able to be the vehicle that helped people do that. You know, one of the, the darker sides of, um, of the fitness world is sometimes you're as much a psychologist as you are a trainer. Uh, and, uh, you know, you, you have developed a, a specialty of such in really helping women, uh, and, and I would almost call it empowering women. Um, because a lot of times body image, body shaming, especially now with social media and everything else, it becomes a real thing. Uh, and usually what, what I have found in talking with people in your industry is. Women have a harder time with the person in the mirror than they do the people that they hang around. Uh, in other words, they're harder on themselves than anyone else. So let's talk a little bit about that because, you know, it's one of those things not a lot of people talk about, but I think it's something that we need to talk more about because you're right there in the realm. I mean, you, you're dealing with it on a constant basis because that's kind of your tribe. I mean, that's, that's kind of what you attract. Yeah, absolutely. And honestly, a lot of it came from my own personal struggles. Um, I used to deal with body dysmorphia as a young kid, um, eating disorders. I mean, I've really been through a lot emotionally when it comes down to that kind of stuff. And it's just so crazy how much our mindset, Plays a role in, you know, our ability to succeed. And, and I always tell my tribe of people that you cannot hate yourself into a version that you can love. You really need to make sure that you're loving yourself every step of the way, because the fact that you are actually capable to wake up that next day and go, you know, go towards your goals, work on yourself. The fact that we even have the ability to do that is the ability that's denied to many. And so we need to. Practice gratitude and be grateful for having that ability to wake up that next day and go get it. You know, and like I said, it's really about those positive affirmations. You can literally rewire your brain by just telling yourself positive things every day, but your mindset can really be either your worst enemy or your best friend. And so if you're constantly just beating yourself up, every time you look in the mirror and you're like, Oh gosh, I just, I hate what I see. I hate what I see. How do you expect yourself to have success like that? You can't do that. You know, you really got to be your, your own biggest fan. You got to cheer yourself on. And that's one of the things that I really try to work to bring out in people because like I said, you really just cannot hate yourself into a version that you can love. And the sooner I found that out and started to apply those tactics myself is when a lot of my life really started to change. You know, that's when I started to have the success. When I started to enjoy the process, And that really just makes a huge difference in the overall picture because, you know, you're going to get slammed with social media all the time. We've got to realize that stuff isn't even real half the time, you know, it's like we're comparing ourselves with something that isn't even real and comparison really is that thief of joy. And so just really owning who you are, stepping into that best version of you and realizing that you have that opportunity to work on yourself every day that you wake up is a blessing and it's something that we shouldn't take for granted. So let's talk about the process, because you said, you know, you have to fall in love with the process. You know, one of the, the biggest challenges I'm sure that you run into is we now live in a world where people want everything now, or they actually want it yesterday. Uh, you know, it's, it's like, Hey, it's taken me 10 years to look the way I currently do, but I want to be where I want to be in 10 days. How do you get past that mindset? Because that's, that's where people give up. I mean, most people give up on themselves way well before. Yeah. You're gonna give up on them. Uh, you know, it's just they they want this instant gratification. How do you get past that mindset? It is one of the hardest things to get past. It really is, especially with the way we're conditioned these days to want it all right now. But one of the best things that you need to do is make sure that you're breaking it down day by day and letting those small Little goals that are going to lead up to the big picture. You know, it's never lose sight of that longterm goal that you have, but you need to make sure that you're breaking it down into segments. So that way you can get those small wins because the small win at the end of the day, uh, lead up to that big success. That's one of those things that keep driving you forward and forward and really just focusing on winning the day. You know, win the day and then wake up again and win the next day. And you're not always going to have your best day, right? So we're going to fall off track and just giving yourself some grace in that process is a really big deal. But what I really talk about when it comes down to something like that is just breaking it down, you know, to your habits, your routines, those daily actions. That's the stuff that you need to dial in on and focus on to actually have that ultimate success and really develop that true lifestyle change, you know, because anybody can commit to something. Or 30 days. But when we start looking into 90 days and then a year, you know, those are, those are the big things. So we just break it down. Like, Hey, what can I do today that is going to make better than yesterday? Or, Hey, what can I do this week is that's going to make me better than last week. It's really just a process of breaking it all down. You know, I know that we have a similar belief. I mean, uh, it seems like you probably have a lot of people that come to you and say, Hey, you know, I want to lose weight. And when people say, Hey, I, when they say this to me, I, Hey, I want to lose weight. I always have the same response. I'm like, no, you, you really don't want to lose weight. Losing weight is not what you want to do. Cause losing weight is basically fat, water and muscle, uh, sometimes in equal parts, uh, unfortunately. And that short term, that's something you can do quickly. Uh, I always love the people that go to the gym and as soon as they're done with the workout, they, they weigh themselves. And I'm like, Hey, bud, that that's water. That's you're not there. You go right back. It's going to be back in an hour when you, when you rehydrate. You know, but, you know, one of the things we talk about all the time is we want fat loss and muscle gain, you know, because with fat loss and muscle gain, they're, they're two different things. Uh, so let's talk, let's talk about that a little bit because I want to make sure people understand it's, it's not weight loss is not necessarily a bad goal. Everybody wants to look and feel better in the body that they're in, but a scale is still a unit of measure. It's not a definition of who you are. And obviously I'm leading up to where, you know, your practice has evolved into, but I want to talk a little bit about this because I know this is key to you getting the results for your clients. Yeah, absolutely. You're right. Weight loss and fat loss are two totally different things. And that's the thing is when we come into it, we're thinking weight loss. But in reality, once we start learning, we're like, Oh, fat loss is actually what I want, you know, because we have to do everything that we possibly can to preserve our muscle mass and build it while we can, because as we age, we lose more of it, more of it. And we don't realize that's our longevity factor. That really is the thing that plays a role. And our quality of life. And so when you're constantly smashing your body down on these like quick fixes and 30 days, you're trying to lose 20 pounds or whatever it is. A lot of that, like 40 to 60 percent of that weight loss is actually coming from your muscle mass. So it's like, what does that really mean? Well, the difference is how one, how you're going to look. Obviously, the more muscle you have on your body, you're going to look. So much better. Your, your skin's going to be nice and tight. It's not going to be like saggy and squishy. It's going to give you the look that you want, but it goes so much deeper than the look. It's really about that, that lifestyle factor. It's, it's the difference between being the grandma that can go run and jump and play with her kids or the one that needs help getting up and down. Right. Are you going to be the grandma that It needs help getting up to go to the bleachers to watch your kids plays or your grandkids play sports. Are you going to be the one that's running up and down the bleachers getting whatever you need to get? You know, that, that's really what muscle mass in the long run really does for us. I don't think that people actually realize that and the physical benefits are awesome. I mean, you're going to look so good. fabulous when you really focus on the muscle component rather than just the weight loss. And that's really what it means by losing body fat is preserving your muscle dropping body fat. And that's a slow and steady process. You know, anywhere from like one to two pounds a week and weight loss is a great goal because or fat loss, I guess you could say is a great goal because that means that you're You're keeping as much muscle as possible, but then you're dropping body fat just because you lost five pounds a week does not mean that you lost five pounds of body fat. I mean, like you said, there's a bunch of different things in there. So if you're just constantly not giving your body what it needs to preserve the muscle on that fat loss journey, you're going to be that person that's going to be frail when they're older, you know, and you're not going to look as good. So, I mean, at the end of the day, fat loss is key and so is muscle preservation. So, so let's talk about another thing that, uh, people don't talk enough about. Uh, you know, ever since 2020, this has become even a more of a prevalent problem, um, uh, throughout the U S, but there's an additional benefit for people when they start seeing the result and that's the mental benefit. You know, you, I know you probably see a large number of, especially women that are dealing with high anxiety, high depression. A lot of that associated with different stressors in the life, but a lot of it can be body image related issues. Let's talk about some of the psychological benefits that you see in folks and basically the light coming back into their eyes as a result of getting those small little victories and hitting those small, small goals. Well, you know, and that's one of the craziest things because I think it's roughly don't quote me on this about one in four ish that are on some kind of antidepressant or anti anxiety medication. And it's so crazy to see that because so much can actually be You know, like helped with just a good diet and lifestyle program when it comes down to exercise and preserving muscle and building muscle that when you see women go through this process from where they start, they start this, you know, they come to me and they're just, mentally distraught. You know, you can tell that they're just sad. You know, they're sad. They don't have confidence. They've essentially lost that little glow that they once had when they were younger. It's like they, it's like they lost it and they don't know how to find it again. Right. But I promise that it's still there and through health and wellness, you can really uncover that and come back. Better than ever and when you start actually feeling good your mind starts to change You start to become more positive and it also becomes that stress reliever, you know We've got so much stress as parents as women I mean through just life and we're we're not using healthy outlets to release stress a lot of times people are you know going in the cabinet and eating emotionally or They're you know using other factors like potentially alcohol or just A lot of things that are just actually making that even worse versus using something that can actually benefit them in so many ways. And then once they go through that process of getting those small wins and realizing that they're capable and start feeling better, I mean, they literally become entirely different people at the end. And even some of them say, they're like, man, I don't even know how I got to where I was. You know, I don't even know how I got to mentally be so down in the dumps, but something this simple that we are all capable of doing can really help with that. And it's just so cool to see women go through that process of where they started and where they end up. It actually starts happening very quickly. I mean, after that first week, getting that small win and then the second and then the third, it's like 90 days in and they're just not even the same person anymore. Mentally or physically. And that's a pretty amazing thing to see. Well, you, you've kind of taken it to what I'm going to call the next level in, in, in your fitness, uh, in your fitness training, uh, regimen, because you actually help women go and do the bikini and fitness competitions and things like that. So it's, it's basically taking it beyond just a, a normal situation where, you know, Hey, I'm going to start to get myself back in shape. Now it's, you know what, I'm going to get up and show the world what I'm capable of. Uh, and I'm sure there's an extreme fear factor associated with that, especially doing it the first time. And then there's probably that empowerment that happens afterwards, as I tell everyone, you know, um, depression is people that worry about things that happened in the past for which they've already happened. So there's nothing you can do. And anxiety is worried about something in the future for which most of the time it's not gonna happen or you have no control over it. So what's interesting about that, though, is I've heard a lot of from a lot of the women that you've trained that I was scared to death. I didn't know what to do. And I got up there and in seconds, it's like the ultimate empowerment moment. It's like, hey, I did. I accomplished something. Let's talk about that a little bit because you know that I know this scares a lot of people and it may not be people's thing. At the same time, I, you know, I'm a, I'm a big believer in empowering women in, in self-belief. I was raised by two women for the most part, my grandmother and my mom. Mm-Hmm. So, I, I'm, I'm really big into making sure that women know that they, they have a lot more power in them than they, than they usually realize. Really? They really do. And you know, it's kind of cool because once they start to go through this process and they start to believe in themselves a little bit, sometimes it's like, what's that next thing that's going to get you to that next level of you, right? It's like if you want to get to that next level and really push yourself to something that You don't even know that you are capable of that's kind of when we insert a competition, you know, people kind of go through a process first. It's not like, like just, Oh, let's just get in there. It's, it's a process that's kind of developed because it's like that belief gets there and they're like, well, maybe I can't do that. You know, and the cool thing on that standpoint is that you see women, I tell them, I'm like, Hey, this is going to be hard. You're going to have to say, no, you're going to have to be disciplined way more than just that normal lifestyle thing. This is like next level, but when you push yourself that hard to that type of level, something changes in you. You know, and it's, it's coolest thing to see because I sit in the audience as their coach and I see their face on that stage and it they're beaming. It's like, it's like they just unlocked a whole next level of themselves. And it really has nothing to do with the competition at all. We almost kind of just use it as like a scare factor, right? Like scare you into the commitment, right? Cause some people, especially. People who were previously athletes, they almost need that type of like competition thing to make sure that they get themselves to that next level. They need something a little bit fearful, you know, that brings that out in them to actually commit, right? It's, it's, it's that next level type of thing that some people need to be driven into that best version of themselves. I'm all about it doing it healthy way. That's why I like to have it be a process like not let's just jump into this. It's, it's a process for people to get to that point. The, the point of the competition isn't to win really. It's, I mean, maybe for some people, but that's not what I use for. I honestly use it to empower women to show them what they're capable of. It's like, Hey, you did that. You did that. And then to see them on the stage, just so proud and happy, regardless what stage of life they're in. I mean, I've trained girls in their twenties. I've trained girls in their sixties to be on the stage and to see that moment on their face of. Like that, that proud moment of like, wow, you know, I did this and to do something hard like that really, like I said, just pushes our minds. To a completely different level and it's crazy because a lot of the time after they come out of that You can their whole life level that start believing in themselves a bit more and whatever it is Whether it's to go get the promotion or you start a new business or you know Even just be a better parent or whatever Maybe they pushed themselves through something that was hard in order to realize that they're capable. And once you see that it is a really empowering moment to see women go through that and be on the other side in the audience, just watching that unfold, knowing their story and how they started. It's, it's, there's really honestly nothing like it. You know, what's funny is, is, is that I just watched your whole body language light up like a Christmas tree when you start talking about your clients in. I love it. I mean, I, I can tell that that's, that's where you get most of your pleasure is, is in, in the helping of others. I mean, you're sitting in the audience, like a proud parent, just sitting there watching their accomplishment. Absolutely. So eventually, though, you got introduced to this wonderful company called ID Life. Uh, I'm a little biased as you, as you probably know. Uh, let's talk about that though. Let's talk about how you got introduced to ID Life, what attracted you to the company, uh, and most importantly, what was different than what you had seen before? So actually how I found the company was. because I was actually at a bodybuilding show where I was coaching some clients in Denver, Colorado. And I was talking that, you know, I'm a big talker. Most of you know, if you know me, you know, you know, and so I'm talking, not paying attention to one of my girls. I was talking to her and I'm not paying attention where I'm going. And I literally, Ran into this dude's table and I'm like, Oh God. And I knocked over his little, his beautiful display. And I felt so bad that I was like, Hey, so what's this here? You know, cause I was kind of embarrassed and, you know, nervous at the same time with what I did. I felt really bad. And so. He just, you know, started telling me about IU life. And at the time I was actually a sponsored athlete and he was kind of telling me some things about the core value of the company and you know, how there was no junk in there and all this stuff. And it really sounded like it just aligned with everything that I had been preaching since day one. And so he gave me some samples, I took them home, I tried them and I talked with my husband and I was like, you know, I think I'm actually going to go ahead and roll with this and just say, why not? Because it really seems like a great company. I really liked the samples that I tried and I would feel comfortable referring this to my clients. And so honestly, that's really how I got into the business and then just hit the ground running after that. So, so how has ID life affected your life? Um, since, since you, since you got going. Oh my gosh, I can't even, well, just, I'll give you the short story because we could be here for days if I start talking about that, but one of the best things that it did for me was actually help educate me even more in the health and wellness realm, you know, because I had been in the industry, of course, but I didn't realize how damaging artificial skinners were for me. Like, I mean, It was, it was crazy. So many of the problems that I was having with just even something like that, and then bringing the DNA on board, it was wild to finally get the like answer to the why behind my struggles, like why I was having cravings, why I had such bad inflammation, why I was hurting, why I was moody, you know, it was just crazy how much they educated me on me. You know, we're all so different. And that's why I love the whole individually designed life because truly everybody is coming in different. You know, we've all got different problems, different lifestyles, like different responses to certain things. And for us to be able to really uncover that why behind our struggle, it's life changing for people. What, what was the struggle for me? It might not be the struggle for somebody else. And to really identify that. It's not something that just changes your life. I mean, it changes the game to be able to support your body with things that aren't going to harm, you know, and it's, it's amazing what the company has done to really uncover that for me and really just help develop my knowledge to, you know, now help thousands of people that I've had the opportunity to help over the years. And it's, you can, you can try all the fitness programs, you can, you know, try all the supplements and do all the things, but if your body is not healthy on the inside. Your body don't care about your goals, you know, right? It's crazy. So once I started actually fueling my body properly, learning about me, my body started to actually respond. My mindset was better. Just everything in my life got better. So I'm seriously so thankful for what the company has done for me. You know, what's, what's interesting about, you mentioned genetics is, you know, when, when we went down that road, I did not realize how empowering genetics are, uh, for folks, you know, um, I was a college athlete. I'm telling a little bit about myself as a college athlete, 8 percent body fat. 400 pound eating habits. Anybody that understands what I'm talking about, you know, when you're running eight to 10 miles a day, you have horrible eating habits and it doesn't show anywhere. I mean, you look like you're imperfect health and there's a lot of people out there that are like that. They out train their bad habits until something in life happens and they're no longer train or can't out train it. It's what we call the standard American balanced diet. In other words, I worked out so I can have the Twinkies, you know, that, that type of thing. uh, and What I found out genetically is, Hey, I was fighting myself 24 7. It literally was everything that I thought I was supposed to do. Everything that I was taught in college, all by the strength and conditioning coaches was dead wrong for me. That's empowering for people because when they find that out, it's like, Hey, I'm not a failure. What it is is I was failing and giving my body what it was asking for. So my body was rebelling against me. And guess what? I'm never going to win against myself. That's, it's how I'm made. So let's talk a little bit about, you know, genetics and how that has enhanced what you do for people, uh, specifically women. Um, because I know that there's some, some consistency in markers, especially when you talk about things like inflammation marker or the MTHFR marker, especially, uh, or anything like that. Let's talk about that a little bit and how that's enhanced what it is you do, uh, in, in your practice. Right. And for the first part, like, you know, I started on myself, of course, I didn't realize, I didn't even realize that I had as much inflammation as I did. I thought I literally had this round face, but I was just super puffy, you know, and I didn't even notice it until after I got better. And I mean, I've been through the dumbest stuff. Like I, after one of my competitions, I gained 30 pounds back in eight weeks. I mean, which I have that high risk of rebound weight gain marker. So when I started to uncover this information, like I said, it helped me understand the why behind my struggle, but then also helps me understand the why behind my client's struggles. It helped me put myself in their position, right? Because otherwise everybody, every trainer usually has a, It's style, right? I mean, for the most part, I had my own style back in the day before, um, genetics based programming and to now develop my style to fit the client's needs has been a game changer for me as a coach, but also in the level of results that we get, you know, because it's not just about the types of workouts. Everybody thinks that the, Oh, the workouts that I'm doing. Workouts really end up only making up for about 20 percent of the overall results. I mean, you know, yeah, you can probably talk a little bit more, but your, your diet and your lifestyle are the main factors of that, especially when it comes down to overall health and wellness and to be able to help people understand types of foods that are going to trigger their inflammation and inflammation is like, you know, other than if you get a wound or something like that, like it's the devil straight up, it is just horrible. I mean, it's horrible. It affects the way your body responds. Think about all the people that have thyroid issues. These days, you know, this, this gets down onto a hormonal level. It's like your body constantly in fight or flight mode when you've constantly got all this information. And when you bring in the, the carb sensitivities in there, the fat sensitivities, the MTHFR. You can really start to help people hone in and start to learn how to control that. You know, because before even me, I was turning all my bad genes on and they were just straight up getting left on, you know, now we have the control to like turn off the switches, right? And so when you can turn off the switches and understand what those switches look like, I mean, you can change the entire game of your health, especially for women. You know, we've got. You know, all kinds of like the hormone things going on, right? We're kind of up and down a lot of the times it can take just the smallest things and smallest changes to change your mood. I mean, to change your cycle, you know, the way you feel, I mean, even bringing down like pregnancy into it, a big component because infertility these days is a big deal, you know, but people don't realize that. Some of these things that they're doing to their bodies are actually, like I said, turning those bad switches on and they don't even know it. So to be able to bring this to the table is extremely life changing. You know, I truly believe this is where the health and wellness industry is going because, I mean, there's nothing better than this, you know, to really understand us on an individual level is a big deal. So not too long ago, we at ID Life launched a new line of products. We call it the ID Fitness line. Uh, you know, that, uh, it was a very unique thing. It was a long time in the making. I mean, I know people were, were begging for it for a long time, and Thank goodness. Everyone was patient because, you know, we wanted to, we wanted to do something no one had ever done before. So let's talk about your, um, you know, your experience with the, with the new ID fitness line, you know, the work, the recover, and especially the load and how that's kind of helped your clientele most importantly helped you personally. Well, honestly, the performance level, you know, the, that's one of the biggest things for me. I mean, I work out very hard and to notice that big difference in my level of performance. is insane. I mean, but the thing is too, the better performance and the harder you push, the better the results you get. But it's not always about how hard you can push. It's about what can you recover from too. So to be able to be taken care of on the recovery standpoint too, is phenomenal. And muscular development, like losing body fat, reducing that, that cortisol level, because your body's actually recovering. You know, people don't realize that sometimes they're They're actually overtraining themselves and they, they don't get that. The recovery component is so big when it comes down to the overall development of your body. I mean, your risk of injury and to be able to be able to push hard and still recover from that. The results are just insane. I mean, it really is insane. Plus I just call I, what I call it is the feel good factor. I just. I mean, my energy levels are through the roof. It's my mental focus is, is amazing. It's not just about the performance in the gym and what that fitness line is doing for me there, but it's really affecting my entire life. You know, as far as, like I said, the mental clarity and focus side, being able to have that energy. I'm a mom, my daughter's in sports. We're we're in travel softball right now. We're at the ball field. All the time, you know, plus I run basically two businesses. I got like, and then as a mom, you've got to multitask because that's just, that's just on the agenda. Right. So to be able to do my life better on that standpoint, just from this fitness line has been a big deal. And it's crazy. How many of my clients, once they started incorporating it into their routine, how they just came out and started telling me those same things, man, I just, Feel good. And then, you know, it also feels good when all of a sudden you're kind of going through a plateau phase and then it's like, whoop, the, the results start coming in like hotcakes. You know, it's just, it's the coolest thing ever to see people work this thing into their routine and then not just get the best results, but also be able to do their life better as well. There's nothing like it. So one of my favorite, uh, products that we developed in the fitness line is load, uh, you know, for, for those of y'all that don't know that actually includes, you know, both ATP, uh, H and B, uh, and creatine monohydrate. In fact, it's the only product in the world that actually has those 3 ingredients and in a single product. I still can't believe that that's in fact the case. But the main reason we did it was for muscle preservation. Uh, you know, it was, it was a longevity play more than it was a fitness play because the idea behind it, you know, we talked earlier, you know, everything about fat loss is, Hey, I want to lose the fat, but I want to retain my muscle. I want to grow more muscle, but a lot of people don't eat enough protein to actually build muscle. What they do is eat just enough to maintain what they have. But. When they don't do that, guess what? They're not even maintaining. So really the concept behind load was I'm going to give you what you need to maintain the muscle and everything else is to help build the muscle. But you took it one step further and decided, Hey, I'm going to combine a couple of things together. And you came up with this concept and I want, I want you to kind of talk through, how did he come up with the idea and what is it you did? And most importantly, what results are you seeing from it? Right. So, um, in October, our new fitness line came out and right when they were going through the, the information on the load product, I was like, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. Like, I was so excited because I realized that there was nothing like this and the peak ATP getting down to the cellular level and helping regenerate that and the creatine monohydrate, the HMB, all those things Like paramount when it comes down to longevity and just feeling good. So I obviously got my clients on that right away. And then it was crazy. And this is during the holiday job. This is like during like, you know, holiday treat season and packing on the pound season. Right. So usually I've been in this game for 16 years. Most people, if you can maintain during the holidays, you're doing a good job. Okay. Like maintenance during the holidays is fabulous, but a lot of people will go the other way. Right. So all of a sudden, you know, I get my clients on this product and then they're just killing it. I mean, and it's crazy because they are even coming out and telling me, man, I feel good. Like, you know, results are coming in. I'm not even really doing anything super different. I have more self control over food and treats. And I just, you know, I'm just beaming right now. And So I started really paying attention and I'm like, okay, well, and I noticed that there was a common denominator between all these people. And I have a lot of clients. I also have coaches underneath me who coach clients as well. So I started talking to my other coaches and they all started saying the same thing. And it was crazy because people start, literally my clients just come out and tell me this stuff and I'm like, okay, all right. So I started looking at some things and the common denominator, Was a mixture of the load product and the slim plus that we have. And so I started really thinking about it and it was crazy because most of these people, most of my clients are obviously women. It's actually helping ladies get their glow back. Like they're finding that glow again that they had in their twenties and they're just slaying and to put it during the test during the holidays, y'all. That's, that's a big deal. I'm going to tell you that right now. That's. That never happens. And so I got on the phone with one of my coaches and I was like, girl, gotta build something around this. Like this is seriously too darn good not to get this out there for people. And so we decided to, um, come up with a fun thing called a glow getter formula, which was a combination of the slim plus and the load, which is a, We wanted to build a whole movement around it, helping women get their glow back. Because on a journey, I've been doing this for a long time. Women like to lock arms with people like really anybody does on a health and fitness journey or wellness journey. It's important to have that support, that community and that culture, because not everybody gets the support at home or from their friends. And so. We wanted to make sure that we gave people a place that they knew that they were going to be supported. We were going to cheer for them. And so we called, you know, put this whole movement together called our glow getter babes movement. And like I said, it was really focused on just helping women get the glow back. I know these days women just have such a hard time, you know, they're, they're constantly beating themselves up for not being perfect and they, they can't focus and they don't have the energy and they're just being asked to do so much. This one simple, extremely effective and very affordable thing was something that we knew we had to get out there for people. That's how our Glow Getter formula basically came to be. Now we have our whole Glow Getter Babes group and community. It's just, it's thriving right now. It's wild, but honestly, like I said, the results with it were insane. And The way people were feeling it was honestly, it was like instant gratification. You take it and you legit feel the effects of it. I mean, and it just keeps getting better and better the longer you take it. So, I mean, it's a one of a kind thing, but you know, it's blowing up right now, but I'm here for it. Well, uh, you know, I, I, I've been on the sideline rooting you guys on because it's, I'm a big believer that load should be taken every day by everybody. Uh, that's why it was created. The whole concept behind it is, Hey, let's preserve the muscle that we have. If we do from a longevity standpoint, it's hard to beat. That's, that's kind of the concept behind it. Adding slim plus to it. I mean, let's be real. I mean, that's, that's your sugar buster. It's it's, you know, it's your mood enhancer. I mean, you're talking about one of the only products out there that actually has a dopamine and a serotonin response. Uh, and it has a prebiotic that basically helps feed your gut the things that you need. So, I mean, it, it's an amazing combination. Um, I'm, I'm glad somebody thought of it, uh, somebody smarter than me, cause I didn't think of it, but, uh, you know, it was, uh, it's, it's funny because. I had unconsciously been doing either slim plus and load and energy and load pretty much every day. It's just out of my combination thing, uh, for two different reasons, you know, slim plus was on the non workout days and energy and load was on the workout days. Uh, but a lot of that was because I'm working out at like 5 36 am in the morning and I needed a little pick me up with it. So it was just like, Hey, then we can put these two things together. But I also loved our work product, but I knew that, hey, I could have this an hour before, and I could have the work, you know, 20 minutes before, and we could actually, you know, get some things done in the gym. But, uh, yeah, I'm so glad you guys are, are getting the results that, uh, that you are. Jesse, if, if there was one thing you could tell somebody, um, about, And I'm going to be talking about ID life, you know, just, you know, sitting out there. They're just wondering, you know, what is this company? What do they do? You know, they, they have this new podcast, they're talking to different people. There's different things. And you know, I might be interested. What is the one thing you would want people to know more than anything else? And it's doesn't necessarily have to be about a product or anything else. It's what's the, what's that one thing that you, you really do when you think about ID life, it's a, there's a reason why I want to be part of this, this movement. Honestly, to break it down. Super simple. It's that we got your back. Thank you. You know, and we're truly looking out for everyone and by putting people first, I've been in this industry a very long time. I, like I said, I've been in the health and wellness for 16 years and I have never seen a company constantly put people first and their true health. Like any other company. And so there's so many companies out there. They're going to fill you with all this stuff and give you all this junk, just make a buck. But at the end of the day, Ivy life truly cares about people, their quality of life and their true health. And that's a big deal. I mean, there's so much, there's so much junk and trash in this, in this industry. I hate to admit it, but I've seen it. I've seen it. And it's, it's awesome to see a company that actually has. Core values that they stand by, you know, and then when you have something like that, when your culture and your community and your mission is solid, and there's nothing that's going to take you away from that, they're going to make decisions that are going to benefit the person who's actually taking them versus other companies. Their focus is on the dollar, right? At Heidi life focuses on the person. Right. What's going to make that person's life better. What's going to help them do life better. And at the end of the day, we're always going to turn out the best because we have that thing centered at our core and that's by putting people first. And so that's one of the things that I definitely. Want people to know about ID life is that we really are more than just a product in the company. We're a movement that puts people first and helps people do life better. You know, um, along those same lines, um, uh, and, and, and I'm going to let you kind of close it out with this. Um, because I, I think it's, it's really important, uh, as part of this podcast, I kind of give my guests the last word. Um, but I'm always thinking, you know, what's, what's the, what's that one question I would want to ask them that maybe they don't know that's coming and, and, and. Basically, it's like, Hey, makes them think a little bit. And I really have been thinking about it since, you know, we started this, this conversation and there really is the, the one question that keeps coming over and over and over in my mind that I want to ask you and I'm going to eat up and I'm getting y'all nervous about it. I can see your body language. I go, Oh my goodness. What is he going to ask? Here's what I'm going to ask. You said early on that you have a nine year old little girl. Okay. And we've talked about part of your whole mission in life is empowering women. Uh, most importantly, empowering women to understand their untapped potential. Okay, if you were talking to all the little girls in the world right now, and a lot of them don't necessarily have the same mom as your little one does, uh, and not a lot of them have that, um, what I'm going to call that female role model in their life. What is it you would want them to know about their untapped potential? But most importantly, About their own self esteem, you know, honestly, it's that we're all unique and we've all been given a gift and we need to uncover that gift and share it fearlessly. There's always going to be people in the world that go against what you say, or, you know, maybe the vision that you have, but. Don't ever let anyone deteriorate what you feel you are capable of, you know? And I know sometimes that the world can be really cruel with stuff like that and just hitting you at it You know with a bat and the crazy thing is that I actually never got almost got put on this path before Because I almost let one person dictate what I was gonna do with my life because of something negatively they said about me And so to see all the thousands of lives that have changed over the years from what we've done, it's, if I would have let that one person affect my mission that was in that vision that was put on my heart, none of this would have ever happened. And I'd probably be stuck in a place that I wouldn't, I wouldn't be really happy with, you know, that I generally to my core would wake up every day and just get on that treadmill of life that, that everybody, a lot of people get on, they're just rolling through the motions of life and they're just existing. They're not actually thriving in life. I'm thriving right now. I'm living, I'm truly living my best life and I know the best is yet to come, but if I would have let that one person take that space in my heart, in my mind, None of this would ever happen. So if you have a vision and something that's put on your heart, go for it. Share your gifts, whatever that may be fearlessly. And do not let anybody ever tell you that you are incapable because you are capable. We are capable of so much more than, than we truly believe. And like I said, the world is, you know, sometimes just isn't super nice, right? But you have to look at the obstacles that as, as a means of getting better, right? How can I get stronger through this? What can I do to pivot? You know, whatever it is, those challenges and things like that, that you face are just Just little things that are challenging you to level up in your life because an amazing mentor of mine has always said New levels bring new devils and you just got it. You've got to be prepared for that You know you got to put on your armor and you just got to keep going no matter what because you are capable you are worthy and You can do anything that you set your mind to so I do have to end with that Well, Jessica, I can't thank you enough for being here today. It's been a pleasure. I love the fact that you've got a chance to tell your story. Most importantly, thank you for all you're doing for all the women out there and empowering them, both the ones you know and the ones you don't know. Uh, and hopefully there are some ladies that got inspired today, uh, to extend beyond what they believe is their, uh, their own limitation and, and stretch a little bit. So on behalf of ID life, this is Mark Bennett until next time, I look forward to talking to you again, real soon.